module – Create or delete AWS Autoscaling Launch Configurations
This module is part of the collection (version 8.0.0).
You might already have this collection installed if you are using the ansible
package. It is not included in ansible-core
. To check whether it is installed, run ansible-galaxy collection list
To install it, use: ansible-galaxy collection install
. You need further requirements to be able to use this module, see Requirements for details.
To use it in a playbook, specify:
New in 1.0.0
- Can create or delete AWS Autoscaling Configurations.
- Works with the module to manage Autoscaling Groups.
- Prior to release 5.0.0 this module was called
. The usage did not change.
Aliases: ec2_lc
The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.
- python >= 3.6
- boto3 >= 1.26.0
- botocore >= 1.29.0
Parameter | Comments |
access_key aliases: aws_access_key_id, aws_access_key, ec2_access_key string | AWS access key ID. See the AWS documentation for more information about access tokens The The aws_access_key and profile options are mutually exclusive. The aws_access_key_id alias was added in release 5.1.0 for consistency with the AWS botocore SDK. The ec2_access_key alias has been deprecated and will be removed in a release after 2024-12-01. Support for the |
assign_public_ip boolean | Used for Auto Scaling groups that launch instances into an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud. Specifies whether to assign a public IP address to each instance launched in a Amazon VPC. Choices:
aws_ca_bundle path | The location of a CA Bundle to use when validating SSL certificates. The |
aws_config dictionary | A dictionary to modify the botocore configuration. Parameters can be found in the AWS documentation |
classic_link_vpc_id string | Id of ClassicLink enabled VPC |
classic_link_vpc_security_groups list / elements=string | A list of security group IDs with which to associate the ClassicLink VPC instances. |
debug_botocore_endpoint_logs boolean | Use a The Choices:
ebs_optimized boolean | Specifies whether the instance is optimized for EBS I/O (true) or not (false). Choices:
endpoint_url aliases: ec2_url, aws_endpoint_url, s3_url string | URL to connect to instead of the default AWS endpoints. While this can be used to connection to other AWS-compatible services the and collections are only tested against AWS. The The ec2_url and s3_url aliases have been deprecated and will be removed in a release after 2024-12-01. Support for the |
image_id string | The AMI unique identifier to be used for the group. |
instance_id string | The Id of a running instance to use as a basis for a launch configuration. Can be used in place of image_id and instance_type. |
instance_monitoring boolean | Specifies whether instances are launched with detailed monitoring. Choices:
instance_profile_name string | The name or the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance profile associated with the IAM role for the instances. |
instance_type string | Instance type to use for the instance. Required when creating a new Launch Configuration. |
kernel_id string | Kernel id for the EC2 instance. |
key_name string | The SSH key name to be used for access to managed instances. |
name string / required | Unique name for configuration. |
placement_tenancy string | Determines whether the instance runs on single-tenant hardware or not. When not set AWS will default to Choices:
profile aliases: aws_profile string | A named AWS profile to use for authentication. See the AWS documentation for more information about named profiles The The profile option is mutually exclusive with the aws_access_key, aws_secret_key and security_token options. |
ramdisk_id string | A RAM disk id for the instances. |
region aliases: aws_region, ec2_region string | The AWS region to use. For global services such as IAM, Route53 and CloudFront, region is ignored. The See the Amazon AWS documentation for more information The Support for the |
secret_key aliases: aws_secret_access_key, aws_secret_key, ec2_secret_key string | AWS secret access key. See the AWS documentation for more information about access tokens The The secret_key and profile options are mutually exclusive. The aws_secret_access_key alias was added in release 5.1.0 for consistency with the AWS botocore SDK. The ec2_secret_key alias has been deprecated and will be removed in a release after 2024-12-01. Support for the |
security_groups list / elements=string | A list of security groups to apply to the instances. You can specify either security group names or IDs or a mix. Default: |
session_token aliases: aws_session_token, security_token, aws_security_token, access_token string | AWS STS session token for use with temporary credentials. See the AWS documentation for more information about access tokens The The security_token and profile options are mutually exclusive. Aliases aws_session_token and session_token were added in release 3.2.0, with the parameter being renamed from security_token to session_token in release 6.0.0. The security_token, aws_security_token, and access_token aliases have been deprecated and will be removed in a release after 2024-12-01. Support for the |
spot_price float | The spot price you are bidding. Only applies for an autoscaling group with spot instances. |
state string | Register or deregister the instance. Choices:
user_data string | Opaque blob of data which is made available to the ec2 instance. Mutually exclusive with user_data_path. |
user_data_path path | Path to the file that contains userdata for the ec2 instances. Mutually exclusive with user_data. |
validate_certs boolean | When set to Setting validate_certs=false is strongly discouraged, as an alternative, consider setting aws_ca_bundle instead. Choices:
volumes list / elements=dictionary | A list dictionaries defining the volumes to create. For any volume, a volume size less than |
delete_on_termination boolean |
Whether the volume should be automatically deleted when the instance is terminated. Choices:
device_name string / required |
The name for the volume (For example |
encrypted boolean |
Whether the volume should be encrypted using the ‘aws/ebs’ KMS CMK. Choices:
ephemeral string |
Whether the volume should be ephemeral. Data on ephemeral volumes is lost when the instance is stopped. Mutually exclusive with the snapshot parameter. |
iops integer |
The number of IOPS per second to provision for the volume. Required when volume_type=io1. |
no_device boolean |
When no_device=true the device will not be created. Choices:
snapshot string |
The ID of an EBS snapshot to copy when creating the volume. Mutually exclusive with the ephemeral parameter. |
throughput integer added in 3.1.0 |
The throughput to provision for a gp3 volume. Valid Range is a minimum value of 125 and a maximum value of 1000. |
volume_size integer |
The size of the volume (in GiB). Required unless one of ephemeral, snapshot or no_device is set. |
volume_type string |
The type of volume to create. See for more information on the available volume types. |
vpc_id string | VPC ID, used when resolving security group names to IDs. |
- Amazon ASG Autoscaling Launch Configurations are immutable once created, so modifying the configuration after it is changed will not modify the launch configuration on AWS. You must create a new config and assign it to the ASG instead.
- Caution: For modules, environment variables and configuration files are read from the Ansible ‘host’ context and not the ‘controller’ context. As such, files may need to be explicitly copied to the ‘host’. For lookup and connection plugins, environment variables and configuration files are read from the Ansible ‘controller’ context and not the ‘host’ context.
- The AWS SDK (boto3) that Ansible uses may also read defaults for credentials and other settings, such as the region, from its configuration files in the Ansible ‘host’ context (typically
). See for more information.
- name: create a launch configuration with an encrypted volume name: special image_id: ami-XXX key_name: default security_groups: - 'group' - 'group2' instance_type: t1.micro volumes: - device_name: /dev/sda1 volume_size: 100 volume_type: io1 iops: 3000 delete_on_termination: true encrypted: true - device_name: /dev/sdb ephemeral: ephemeral0 - name: create a launch configuration using a running instance id as a basis name: special instance_id: i-00a48b207ec59e948 key_name: default security_groups: - 'launch-wizard-2' volumes: - device_name: /dev/sda1 volume_size: 120 volume_type: io1 iops: 3000 delete_on_termination: true - name: create a launch configuration to omit the /dev/sdf EBS device that is included in the AMI image name: special image_id: ami-XXX key_name: default security_groups: - 'group' - 'group2' instance_type: t1.micro volumes: - device_name: /dev/sdf no_device: true - name: Use EBS snapshot ID for volume block: - name: Set Volume Facts ansible.builtin.set_fact: volumes: - device_name: /dev/sda1 volume_size: 20 ebs: snapshot: snap-XXXX volume_type: gp2 delete_on_termination: true encrypted: false - name: Create launch configuration name: lc1 image_id: ami-xxxx assign_public_ip: true instance_type: t2.medium key_name: my-key security_groups: - 'sg-xxxx' volumes: "{{ volumes }}" register: lc_info
Return Values
Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:
Key | Description |
arn string | The Amazon Resource Name of the launch configuration. Returned: when state=present Sample: |
changed boolean | Whether the state of the launch configuration has changed. Returned: always Sample: |
created_time string | The creation date and time for the launch configuration. Returned: when state=present Sample: |
image_id string | The ID of the Amazon Machine Image used by the launch configuration. Returned: when state=present Sample: |
instance_type string | The instance type for the instances. Returned: when state=present Sample: |
name string | The name of the launch configuration. Returned: when state=present Sample: |
result complex | The specification details for the launch configuration. Returned: when state=present |
associate_public_ip_address boolean |
(EC2-VPC) Indicates whether to assign a public IP address to each instance. Returned: when state=present Sample: |
block_device_mappings complex |
A block device mapping, which specifies the block devices. Returned: when state=present |
device_name string |
The device name exposed to the EC2 instance (for example, /dev/sdh or xvdh). Returned: when state=present Sample: |
ebs complex |
The information about the Amazon EBS volume. Returned: when state=present |
snapshot_id string |
The ID of the snapshot. Returned: when state=present |
volume_size string |
The volume size, in GiB. Returned: when state=present Sample: |
virtual_name string |
The name of the virtual device (for example, ephemeral0). Returned: when state=present Sample: |
classic_link_vpc_id string |
The ID of a ClassicLink-enabled VPC to link your EC2-Classic instances to. Returned: when state=present |
classic_link_vpc_security_groups list / elements=string |
The IDs of one or more security groups for the VPC specified in ClassicLinkVPCId. Returned: when state=present Sample: |
created_time string |
The creation date and time for the launch configuration. Returned: when state=present Sample: |
delete_on_termination boolean |
Indicates whether the volume is deleted on instance termination. Returned: when state=present Sample: |
ebs_optimized boolean |
Indicates whether the instance is optimized for EBS I/O Returned: when state=present Sample: |
image_id string |
The ID of the Amazon Machine Image used by the launch configuration. Returned: when state=present Sample: |
instance_monitoring boolean |
Indicates whether instances in this group are launched with detailed Returned: when state=present Sample: |
instance_profile_name string |
The name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance profile associated with the IAM role for the instance. Returned: when state=present |
instance_type string |
The instance type for the instances. Returned: when state=present Sample: |
iops integer |
The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) to provision for the volume. Returned: when state=present |
kernel_id string |
The ID of the kernel associated with the AMI. Returned: when state=present Sample: |
key_name string |
The name of the key pair. Returned: when state=present Sample: |
launch_configuration_arn string |
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the launch configuration. Returned: when state=present Sample: |
member string |
Returned: when state=present Sample: |
name string |
The name of the launch configuration. Returned: when state=present Sample: |
PlacementTenancy string |
The tenancy of the instances, either default or dedicated. Returned: when state=present Sample: |
ramdisk_id string |
The ID of the RAM disk associated with the AMI. Returned: when state=present Sample: |
security_groups list / elements=string |
The security groups to associate with the instances. Returned: when state=present Sample: |
spot_price float |
The price to bid when launching Spot Instances. Returned: when state=present |
use_block_device_types boolean |
Indicates whether to suppress a device mapping. Returned: when state=present Sample: |
user_data string |
The user data available to the instances. Returned: when state=present Sample: |
volume_type string |
The volume type (one of standard, io1, gp2). Returned: when state=present Sample: |
security_groups list / elements=string | The security groups to associate with the instances. Returned: when state=present Sample: |
Collection links
© 2012–2018 Michael DeHaan
© 2018–2024 Red Hat, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.