The CharacterBoundsUpdateEvent interface is a DOM event that represents a request from the operating system to know the bounds of certain characters within an editable region that's attached to an EditContext instance.
The offset of the last character within the editable region text for which the operating system needs the bounds.
Updating the character bounds when needed
This example shows how to use the characterboundsupdate event and the updateCharacterBounds method to inform the operating system of the character bounds it requires. Note that the event listener callback is only called when using an IME window, or other platform-specific editing UI surfaces, to compose text.
constFONT_SIZE=40;constFONT=`${FONT_SIZE}px Arial`;const canvas = document.getElementById("editor-canvas");const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.font =FONT;const editContext =newEditContext();
canvas.editContext = editContext;functioncomputeCharacterBound(offset){// Measure the width from the start of the text to the character.const widthBeforeChar = ctx.measureText(
editContext.text.substring(0, offset),).width;// Measure the character width.const charWidth = ctx.measureText(editContext.text[offset]).width;const charX = canvas.offsetLeft + widthBeforeChar;const charY = canvas.offsetTop;// Return a DOMRect representing the character bounds.return DOMRect.fromRect({x: charX,y: charY -FONT_SIZE,width: charWidth,height:FONT_SIZE,});}
editContext.addEventListener("characterboundsupdate",(e)=>{const charBounds =[];for(let offset = e.rangeStart; offset < e.rangeEnd; offset++){
charBounds.push(computeCharacterBound(offset));}// Update the character bounds in the EditContext instance.
editContext.updateCharacterBounds(e.rangeStart, charBounds);
console.log("The required character bounds are",
.map((bound)=>{return`(x: ${bound.x}, y: ${bound.y}, width: ${bound.width}, height: ${bound.height})`;}).join(", "),);});