Gets and sets the value of the corresponding <fencedframe>allow attribute, which represents a Permissions Policy applied to the content when it is first embedded.
Gets and sets the value of the corresponding <fencedframe>width attribute, which specifies the width of the element.
To set what content will be shown in a <fencedframe>, a utilizing API (such as Protected Audience or Shared Storage) generates a FencedFrameConfig object, which is then set as the value of the <fencedframe>'s config property.
The following example gets a FencedFrameConfig from a Protected Audience API's ad auction, which is then used to display the winning ad in a <fencedframe>:
Note:resolveToConfig: true must be passed in to the runAdAuction() call to obtain a FencedFrameConfig object. If it is not set, the resulting Promise will resolve to a URN that can only be used in an <iframe>.