
Baseline Widely available

This feature is well established and works across many devices and browser versions. It’s been available across browsers since July 2015.

The HTMLImageElement interface represents an HTML <img> element, providing the properties and methods used to manipulate image elements.

EventTarget Node Element HTMLElement HTMLImageElement



The Image() constructor creates and returns a new HTMLImageElement object representing an HTML <img> element which is not attached to any DOM tree. It accepts optional width and height parameters. When called without parameters, new Image() is equivalent to calling document.createElement('img').

Instance properties

Inherits properties from its parent, HTMLElement.


A string that reflects the alt HTML attribute, thus indicating the alternate fallback content to be displayed if the image has not been loaded.

HTMLImageElement.attributionSrc Secure context Experimental

Gets and sets the attributionsrc attribute on an <img> element programmatically, reflecting the value of that attribute. attributionsrc specifies that you want the browser to send an Attribution-Reporting-Eligible header along with the image request. On the server-side this is used to trigger sending an Attribution-Reporting-Register-Source or Attribution-Reporting-Register-Trigger header in the response, to register an image-based attribution source or attribution trigger, respectively.

HTMLImageElement.complete Read only

Returns a boolean value that is true if the browser has finished fetching the image, whether successful or not. That means this value is also true if the image has no src value indicating an image to load.


A string specifying the CORS setting for this image element. See CORS settings attributes for further details. This may be null if CORS is not used.

HTMLImageElement.currentSrc Read only

Returns a string representing the URL from which the currently displayed image was loaded. This may change as the image is adjusted due to changing conditions, as directed by any media queries which are in place.


An optional string representing a hint given to the browser on how it should decode the image. If this value is provided, it must be one of the possible permitted values: sync to decode the image synchronously, async to decode it asynchronously, or auto to indicate no preference (which is the default). Read the decoding page for details on the implications of this property's values.


An optional string representing a hint given to the browser on how it should prioritize fetching of the image relative to other images. If this value is provided, it must be one of the possible permitted values: high to fetch at a high priority, low to fetch at a low priority, or auto to indicate no preference (which is the default).


An integer value that reflects the height HTML attribute, indicating the rendered height of the image in CSS pixels.


A boolean value that reflects the ismap HTML attribute, indicating that the image is part of a server-side image map. This is different from a client-side image map, specified using an <img> element and a corresponding <map> which contains <area> elements indicating the clickable areas in the image. The image must be contained within an <a> element; see the ismap page for details.


A string providing a hint to the browser used to optimize loading the document by determining whether to load the image immediately (eager) or on an as-needed basis (lazy).

HTMLImageElement.naturalHeight Read only

Returns an integer value representing the intrinsic height of the image in CSS pixels, if it is available; else, it shows 0. This is the height the image would be if it were rendered at its natural full size.

HTMLImageElement.naturalWidth Read only

An integer value representing the intrinsic width of the image in CSS pixels, if it is available; otherwise, it will show 0. This is the width the image would be if it were rendered at its natural full size.


A string that reflects the referrerpolicy HTML attribute, which tells the user agent how to decide which referrer to use in order to fetch the image. Read this article for details on the possible values of this string.


A string reflecting the sizes HTML attribute. This string specifies a list of comma-separated conditional sizes for the image; that is, for a given viewport size, a particular image size is to be used. Read the documentation on the sizes page for details on the format of this string.


A string that reflects the src HTML attribute, which contains the full URL of the image including base URI. You can load a different image into the element by changing the URL in the src attribute.


A string reflecting the srcset HTML attribute. This specifies a list of candidate images, separated by commas (',', U+002C COMMA). Each candidate image is a URL followed by a space, followed by a specially-formatted string indicating the size of the image. The size may be specified either the width or a size multiple. Read the srcset page for specifics on the format of the size substring.


A string reflecting the usemap HTML attribute, containing the page-local URL of the <map> element describing the image map to use. The page-local URL is a pound (hash) symbol (#) followed by the ID of the <map> element, such as #my-map-element. The <map> in turn contains <area> elements indicating the clickable areas in the image.


An integer value that reflects the width HTML attribute, indicating the rendered width of the image in CSS pixels.

HTMLImageElement.x Read only

An integer indicating the horizontal offset of the left border edge of the image's CSS layout box relative to the origin of the <html> element's containing block.

HTMLImageElement.y Read only

The integer vertical offset of the top border edge of the image's CSS layout box relative to the origin of the <html> element's containing block.

Obsolete properties

HTMLImageElement.align Deprecated

A string indicating the alignment of the image with respect to the surrounding context. The possible values are "left", "right", "justify", and "center". This is obsolete; you should instead use CSS (such as text-align, which works with images despite its name) to specify the alignment.

HTMLImageElement.border Deprecated

A string which defines the width of the border surrounding the image. This is deprecated; use the CSS border property instead.

HTMLImageElement.hspace Deprecated

An integer value which specifies the amount of space (in pixels) to leave empty on the left and right sides of the image.

HTMLImageElement.longDesc Deprecated

A string specifying the URL at which a long description of the image's contents may be found. This is used to turn the image into a hyperlink automatically. Modern HTML should instead place an <img> inside an <a> element defining the hyperlink. Deprecated

A string representing the name of the element.

HTMLImageElement.vspace Deprecated

An integer value specifying the amount of empty space, in pixels, to leave above and below the image.

Instance methods

Inherits methods from its parent, HTMLElement.


Returns a Promise that resolves when the image is decoded and it's safe to append the image to the DOM. This prevents rendering of the next frame from having to pause to decode the image, as would happen if an undecoded image were added to the DOM.


If an error occurs while trying to load or render the image, and an onerror event handler has been configured to handle the error event, that event handler will get called. This can happen in a number of situations, including:

  • The src attribute is empty or null.
  • The specified src URL is the same as the URL of the page the user is currently on.
  • The specified image is corrupted in some way that prevents it from being loaded.
  • The specified image's metadata is corrupted in such a way that it's impossible to retrieve its dimensions, and no dimensions were specified in the <img> element's attributes.
  • The specified image is in a format not supported by the user agent.


const img1 = new Image(); // Image constructor
img1.src = "image1.png";
img1.alt = "alt";

const img2 = document.createElement("img"); // Use DOM HTMLImageElement
img2.src = "image2.jpg";
img2.alt = "alt text";

// using first image in the document


Browser compatibility

Desktop Mobile
Chrome Edge Firefox Opera Safari Chrome Android Firefox for Android Opera Android Safari on IOS Samsung Internet WebView Android
Image 1 12 1 8 1 18 4 10.1 1 1.0 4.4
HTMLImageElement 1 12 1 8 1 18 4 10.1 1 1.0 4.4
align 1 12 1 ≤12.1 3 18 4 ≤12.1 1 1.0 4.4
alt 1 12 1 ≤12.1 3 18 4 ≤12.1 1 1.0 4.4
attributionSrc 117 117 No 103 No 117 No 78 No 24.0 117
border 1 12 1 ≤12.1 3 18 4 ≤12.1 1 1.0 4.4
complete 1 12 1 ≤12.1 3 18 4 ≤12.1 1 1.0 4.4
crossOrigin 13 12 8 ≤12.1 6 18 8 ≤12.1 6 1.0 4.4
currentSrc 38 13 38 25 9.1 38 38 25 9.3 3.0 38
decode 64 79 68 51 11.1 64 68 47 11.3 9.0 64
decoding 65 79 63 52 11.1 65 63 47 11.3 9.0 65
fetchPriority 102101–102 102101–102 No 8887–88 17.2 102101–102 No 70 17.2 19.0 102101–102
height 1 12 1 ≤12.1 3 18 4 ≤12.1 1 1.0 4.4
hspace 1 12 1 ≤12.1 3 18 4 ≤12.1 1 1.0 4.4
isMap 1 12 1 ≤12.1 3 18 4 ≤12.1 1 1.0 4.4
loading 77 79 75 64 15.4 77 79 55 15.4 12.0 77
longDesc 1 12 1 ≤12.1 3 18 4 ≤12.1 1 1.0 4.4
lowsrc 1 12 1 ≤12.1 3 18 4 ≤12.1 2 1.0 4.4
name 1 12 1 ≤12.1 3 18 4 ≤12.1 1 1.0 4.4
naturalHeight 1 12 1 ≤12.1 3 18 4 ≤12.1 1 1.0 4.4
naturalWidth 1 12 1 ≤12.1 3 18 4 ≤12.1 1 1.0 4.4
referrerPolicy 5251–52 79 50 3938–39 14 5251–52 50 41 14 6.05.0–6.0 5251–52
sharedStorageWritable 124 124 No 110 No 124 No 82 No No 124
sizes 38 13 38 25 9.1 38 38 25 9.3 3.0 38
src 1 12 1 ≤12.1 3 18 4 ≤12.1 1 1.0 4.4
srcset 34 12 38 21 8 34 38 21 8 2.0 37
useMap 1 12 1 ≤12.1 3 18 4 ≤12.1 1 1.0 4.4
vspace 1 12 1 ≤12.1 3 18 4 ≤12.1 1 1.0 4.4
width 1 12 1 ≤12.1 3 18 4 ≤12.1 1 1.0 4.4
x 1 12 141–7 ≤12.1 3 18 144–7 ≤12.1 1 1.0 4.4
y 1 12 141–7 ≤12.1 3 18 144–7 ≤12.1 1 1.0 4.4

See also

  • The HTML element implementing this interface: <img>

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