The updateViaCache
read-only property of the ServiceWorkerRegistration
interface returns the value of the setting used to determine the circumstances in which the browser will consult the HTTP cache when it tries to update the service worker or any scripts that are imported via importScripts()
Returns one of the following values:
, meaning the HTTP cache is not consulted for updates to the service worker script, but is consulted for scripts imported using importScripts()
. This is the default value. -
, meaning the HTTP cache is consulted for updates to the service worker script and for scripts imported using importScripts()
. -
, meaning the HTTP cache is never consulted.
The following example shows the use of updateViaCache.
if ("serviceWorker" in navigator) {
.register("/service-worker.js", {
updateViaCache: "none",
.then((registration) => {
registration.addEventListener("updatefound", () => {
console.log(`Value of updateViaCache: ${registration.updateViaCache}`);
.catch((error) => {
console.error(`Service worker registration failed: ${error}`);