The TaskSignal interface of the Prioritized Task Scheduling API represents a signal object that allows you to communicate with a prioritized task, and abort it or change the priority (if required) via a TaskController object.
An object of this type is created, and associated with, a TaskController. The initial priority of the signal may be set by specifying it as an argument to the TaskController() constructor (by default it is "user-visible"). The priority can be changed by calling TaskController.setPriority() on the controller.
The signal may be passed as the options.signal argument in Scheduler.postTask(), after which it's associated controller can be used to abort the task. If the task priority is mutable, the controller can also be used to change the task's priority. Abortable tasks that do not need the priority to change may instead specify an AbortSignal as the options.signal argument.
Instance properties
The TaskSignal interface also inherits properties from its parent interface, AbortSignal.