The TextUpdateEvent interface is a DOM event that represents a text or selection update in an editable text region that's attached to an EditContext instance.
Returns the index of the last character in the new selection range, after the update.
Rendering the updated text in an editable canvas
In the following example, the EditContext API is used to render editable text in a <canvas> element, and the textupdate event is used to render the text when the user is typing.
const canvas = document.getElementById("editor-canvas");const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");const editContext =newEditContext();
canvas.editContext = editContext;functionrender(){// Clear the canvas.
ctx.clearRect(0,0, canvas.width, canvas.height);// Render the text.
editContext.addEventListener("textupdate",(e)=>{// Re-render the editor view when the user is entering text.render();
console.log(`The user entered ${e.text}. Rendering the entire text: ${editContext.text}`,);});