
class PendingBatchFake extends PendingBatch (View source)


protected Container $container

The IoC container instance.

from PendingBatch
string $name

The batch name.

from PendingBatch
Collection $jobs

The jobs that belong to the batch.

from PendingBatch
array $options

The batch options.

from PendingBatch
protected BusFake $bus

The fake bus instance.


void __construct(BusFake $bus, Collection $jobs)

Create a new pending batch instance.

$this add(iterable|object|array $jobs)

Add jobs to the batch.

from PendingBatch
$this then(callable $callback)

Add a callback to be executed after all jobs in the batch have executed successfully.

from PendingBatch
array thenCallbacks()

Get the "then" callbacks that have been registered with the pending batch.

from PendingBatch
$this catch(callable $callback)

Add a callback to be executed after the first failing job in the batch.

from PendingBatch
array catchCallbacks()

Get the "catch" callbacks that have been registered with the pending batch.

from PendingBatch
$this finally(callable $callback)

Add a callback to be executed after the batch has finished executing.

from PendingBatch
array finallyCallbacks()

Get the "finally" callbacks that have been registered with the pending batch.

from PendingBatch
$this allowFailures(bool $allowFailures = true)

Indicate that the batch should not be cancelled when a job within the batch fails.

from PendingBatch
bool allowsFailures()

Determine if the pending batch allows jobs to fail without cancelling the batch.

from PendingBatch
$this name(string $name)

Set the name for the batch.

from PendingBatch
$this onConnection(string $connection)

Specify the queue connection that the batched jobs should run on.

from PendingBatch
string|null connection()

Get the connection used by the pending batch.

from PendingBatch
$this onQueue(string $queue)

Specify the queue that the batched jobs should run on.

from PendingBatch
string|null queue()

Get the queue used by the pending batch.

from PendingBatch
$this withOption(string $key, mixed $value)

Add additional data into the batch's options array.

from PendingBatch
Batch dispatch()

Dispatch the batch.

Batch dispatchAfterResponse()

Dispatch the batch after the response is sent to the browser.

void dispatchExistingBatch(Batch $batch)

Dispatch an existing batch.

from PendingBatch


void __construct(BusFake $bus, Collection $jobs)

Create a new pending batch instance.


BusFake $bus
Collection $jobs

Return Value


$this add(iterable|object|array $jobs)

Add jobs to the batch.


iterable|object|array $jobs

Return Value


$this then(callable $callback)

Add a callback to be executed after all jobs in the batch have executed successfully.


callable $callback

Return Value


array thenCallbacks()

Get the "then" callbacks that have been registered with the pending batch.

Return Value


$this catch(callable $callback)

Add a callback to be executed after the first failing job in the batch.


callable $callback

Return Value


array catchCallbacks()

Get the "catch" callbacks that have been registered with the pending batch.

Return Value


$this finally(callable $callback)

Add a callback to be executed after the batch has finished executing.


callable $callback

Return Value


array finallyCallbacks()

Get the "finally" callbacks that have been registered with the pending batch.

Return Value


$this allowFailures(bool $allowFailures = true)

Indicate that the batch should not be cancelled when a job within the batch fails.


bool $allowFailures

Return Value


bool allowsFailures()

Determine if the pending batch allows jobs to fail without cancelling the batch.

Return Value


$this name(string $name)

Set the name for the batch.


string $name

Return Value


$this onConnection(string $connection)

Specify the queue connection that the batched jobs should run on.


string $connection

Return Value


string|null connection()

Get the connection used by the pending batch.

Return Value


$this onQueue(string $queue)

Specify the queue that the batched jobs should run on.


string $queue

Return Value


string|null queue()

Get the queue used by the pending batch.

Return Value


$this withOption(string $key, mixed $value)

Add additional data into the batch's options array.


string $key
mixed $value

Return Value


Batch dispatch()

Dispatch the batch.

Return Value


Batch dispatchAfterResponse()

Dispatch the batch after the response is sent to the browser.

Return Value


protected void dispatchExistingBatch(Batch $batch)

Dispatch an existing batch.


Batch $batch

Return Value




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