ls(1p) — Linux manual page

LS(1P)                  POSIX Programmer's Manual                 LS(1P)


       This manual page is part of the POSIX Programmer's Manual.  The
       Linux implementation of this interface may differ (consult the
       corresponding Linux manual page for details of Linux behavior),
       or the interface may not be implemented on Linux.


       ls — list directory contents


       ls [-ikqrs] [-glno] [-A|-a] [-C|-m|-x|-1] \
           [-F|-p] [-H|-L] [-R|-d] [-S|-f|-t] [-c|-u] [file...]


       For each operand that names a file of a type other than directory
       or symbolic link to a directory, ls shall write the name of the
       file as well as any requested, associated information. For each
       operand that names a file of type directory, ls shall write the
       names of files contained within the directory as well as any
       requested, associated information. Filenames beginning with a
       <period> ('.')  and any associated information shall not be
       written out unless explicitly referenced, the -A or -a option is
       supplied, or an implementation-defined condition causes them to
       be written. If one or more of the -d, -F, or -l options are
       specified, and neither the -H nor the -L option is specified, for
       each operand that names a file of type symbolic link to a
       directory, ls shall write the name of the file as well as any
       requested, associated information. If none of the -d, -F, or -l
       options are specified, or the -H or -L options are specified, for
       each operand that names a file of type symbolic link to a
       directory, ls shall write the names of files contained within the
       directory as well as any requested, associated information. In
       each case where the names of files contained within a directory
       are written, if the directory contains any symbolic links then ls
       shall evaluate the file information and file type to be those of
       the symbolic link itself, unless the -L option is specified.

       If no operands are specified, ls shall behave as if a single
       operand of dot ('.')  had been specified. If more than one
       operand is specified, ls shall write non-directory operands
       first; it shall sort directory and non-directory operands
       separately according to the collating sequence in the current

       Whenever ls sorts filenames or pathnames according to the
       collating sequence in the current locale, if this collating
       sequence does not have a total ordering of all characters (see
       the Base Definitions volume of POSIX.1‐2017, Section 7.3.2,
       LC_COLLATE), then any filenames or pathnames that collate equally
       should be further compared byte-by-byte using the collating
       sequence for the POSIX locale.

       The ls utility shall detect infinite loops; that is, entering a
       previously visited directory that is an ancestor of the last file
       encountered.  When it detects an infinite loop, ls shall write a
       diagnostic message to standard error and shall either recover its
       position in the hierarchy or terminate.


       The ls utility shall conform to the Base Definitions volume of
       POSIX.1‐2017, Section 12.2, Utility Syntax Guidelines.

       The following options shall be supported:

       -A        Write out all directory entries, including those whose
                 names begin with a <period> ('.')  but excluding the
                 entries dot and dot-dot (if they exist).

       -C        Write multi-text-column output with entries sorted down
                 the columns, according to the collating sequence. The
                 number of text columns and the column separator
                 characters are unspecified, but should be adapted to
                 the nature of the output device. This option disables
                 long format output.

       -F        Do not follow symbolic links named as operands unless
                 the -H or -L options are specified. Write a <slash>
                 ('/') immediately after each pathname that is a
                 directory, an <asterisk> ('*') after each that is
                 executable, a <vertical-line> ('|') after each that is
                 a FIFO, and an at-sign ('@') after each that is a
                 symbolic link. For other file types, other symbols may
                 be written.

       -H        Evaluate the file information and file type for
                 symbolic links specified on the command line to be
                 those of the file referenced by the link, and not the
                 link itself; however, ls shall write the name of the
                 link itself and not the file referenced by the link.

       -L        Evaluate the file information and file type for all
                 symbolic links (whether named on the command line or
                 encountered in a file hierarchy) to be those of the
                 file referenced by the link, and not the link itself;
                 however, ls shall write the name of the link itself and
                 not the file referenced by the link. When -L is used
                 with -l, write the contents of symbolic links in the
                 long format (see the STDOUT section).

       -R        Recursively list subdirectories encountered. When a
                 symbolic link to a directory is encountered, the
                 directory shall not be recursively listed unless the -L
                 option is specified.  The use of -R with -d or -f
                 produces unspecified results.

       -S        Sort with the primary key being file size (in
                 decreasing order) and the secondary key being filename
                 in the collating sequence (in increasing order).

       -a        Write out all directory entries, including those whose
                 names begin with a <period> ('.').

       -c        Use time of last modification of the file status
                 information (see the Base Definitions volume of
                 POSIX.1‐2017, sys_stat.h(0p)) instead of last
                 modification of the file itself for sorting (-t) or
                 writing (-l).

       -d        Do not follow symbolic links named as operands unless
                 the -H or -L options are specified. Do not treat
                 directories differently than other types of files. The
                 use of -d with -R or -f produces unspecified results.

       -f        List the entries in directory operands in the order
                 they appear in the directory. The behavior for non-
                 directory operands is unspecified. This option shall
                 turn on -a.  When -f is specified, any occurrences of
                 the -r, -S, and -t options shall be ignored and any
                 occurrences of the -A, -g, -l, -n, -o, and -s options
                 may be ignored. The use of -f with -R or -d produces
                 unspecified results.

       -g        Turn on the -l (ell) option, but disable writing the
                 file's owner name or number.  Disable the -C, -m, and
                 -x options.

       -i        For each file, write the file's file serial number (see
                 stat() in the System Interfaces volume of

       -k        Set the block size for the -s option and the per-
                 directory block count written for the -l, -n, -s, -g,
                 and -o options (see the STDOUT section) to 1024 bytes.

       -l        (The letter ell.) Do not follow symbolic links named as
                 operands unless the -H or -L options are specified.
                 Write out in long format (see the STDOUT section).
                 Disable the -C, -m, and -x options.

       -m        Stream output format; list pathnames across the page,
                 separated by a <comma> character followed by a <space>
                 character. Use a <newline> character as the list
                 terminator and after the separator sequence when there
                 is not room on a line for the next list entry. This
                 option disables long format output.

       -n        Turn on the -l (ell) option, but when writing the
                 file's owner or group, write the file's numeric UID or
                 GID rather than the user or group name, respectively.
                 Disable the -C, -m, and -x options.

       -o        Turn on the -l (ell) option, but disable writing the
                 file's group name or number.  Disable the -C, -m, and
                 -x options.

       -p        Write a <slash> ('/') after each filename if that file
                 is a directory.

       -q        Force each instance of non-printable filename
                 characters and <tab> characters to be written as the
                 <question-mark> ('?')  character. Implementations may
                 provide this option by default if the output is to a
                 terminal device.

       -r        Reverse the order of the sort to get reverse collating
                 sequence oldest first, or smallest file size first
                 depending on the other options given.

       -s        Indicate the total number of file system blocks
                 consumed by each file displayed. If the -k option is
                 also specified, the block size shall be 1024 bytes;
                 otherwise, the block size is implementation-defined.

       -t        Sort with the primary key being time modified (most
                 recently modified first) and the secondary key being
                 filename in the collating sequence.  For a symbolic
                 link, the time used as the sort key is that of the
                 symbolic link itself, unless ls is evaluating its file
                 information to be that of the file referenced by the
                 link (see the -H and -L options).

       -u        Use time of last access (see the Base Definitions
                 volume of POSIX.1‐2017, sys_stat.h(0p)) instead of last
                 modification of the file for sorting (-t) or writing

       -x        The same as -C, except that the multi-text-column
                 output is produced with entries sorted across, rather
                 than down, the columns. This option disables long
                 format output.

       -1        (The numeric digit one.) Force output to be one entry
                 per line.  This option does not disable long format
                 output. (Long format output is enabled by -g, -l (ell),
                 -n, and -o; and disabled by -C, -m, and -x.)

       If an option that enables long format output (-g, -l (ell), -n,
       and -o is given with an option that disables long format output
       (-C, -m, and -x), this shall not be considered an error. The last
       of these options specified shall determine whether long format
       output is written.

       If -R, -d, or -f are specified, the results of specifying these
       mutually-exclusive options are specified by the descriptions of
       these options above. If more than one of any of the other options
       shown in the SYNOPSIS section in mutually-exclusive sets are
       given, this shall not be considered an error; the last option
       specified in each set shall determine the output.

       Note that if -t is specified, -c and -u are not only mutually-
       exclusive with each other, they are also mutually-exclusive with
       -S when determining sort order. But even if -S is specified after
       all occurrences of -c, -t, and -u, the last use of -c or -u
       determines the timestamp printed when producing long format


       The following operand shall be supported:

       file      A pathname of a file to be written. If the file
                 specified is not found, a diagnostic message shall be
                 output on standard error.


       Not used.




       The following environment variables shall affect the execution of

       COLUMNS   Determine the user's preferred column position width
                 for writing multiple text-column output. If this
                 variable contains a string representing a decimal
                 integer, the ls utility shall calculate how many
                 pathname text columns to write (see -C) based on the
                 width provided. If COLUMNS is not set or invalid, an
                 implementation-defined number of column positions shall
                 be assumed, based on the implementation's knowledge of
                 the output device. The column width chosen to write the
                 names of files in any given directory shall be
                 constant. Filenames shall not be truncated to fit into
                 the multiple text-column output.

       LANG      Provide a default value for the internationalization
                 variables that are unset or null. (See the Base
                 Definitions volume of POSIX.1‐2017, Section 8.2,
                 Internationalization Variables for the precedence of
                 internationalization variables used to determine the
                 values of locale categories.)

       LC_ALL    If set to a non-empty string value, override the values
                 of all the other internationalization variables.

                 Determine the locale for character collation
                 information in determining the pathname collation

       LC_CTYPE  Determine the locale for the interpretation of
                 sequences of bytes of text data as characters (for
                 example, single-byte as opposed to multi-byte
                 characters in arguments) and which characters are
                 defined as printable (character class print).

                 Determine the locale that should be used to affect the
                 format and contents of diagnostic messages written to
                 standard error.

       LC_TIME   Determine the format and contents for date and time
                 strings written by ls.

       NLSPATH   Determine the location of message catalogs for the
                 processing of LC_MESSAGES.

       TZ        Determine the timezone for date and time strings
                 written by ls.  If TZ is unset or null, an unspecified
                 default timezone shall be used.




       The default format shall be to list one entry per line to
       standard output; the exceptions are to terminals or when one of
       the -C, -m, or -x options is specified. If the output is to a
       terminal, the format is implementation-defined.

       When -m is specified, the format used for the last element of the
       list shall be:

           "%s\n", <filename>

       The format used for each other element of the list shall be:

           "%s,%s", <filename>, <separator>

       where, if there is not room for the next element of the list to
       fit within the current line length, <separator> is a string
       containing an optional <space> character and a mandatory
       <newline> character; otherwise it is a single <space> character.

       If the -i option is specified, the file's file serial number (see
       the Base Definitions volume of POSIX.1‐2017, sys_stat.h(0p))
       shall be written in the following format before any other output
       for the corresponding entry:

           %u ", <file serial number>

       If the -l option is specified, the following information shall be
       written for files other than character special and block special

           "%s %u %s %s %u %s %s\n", <file mode>, <number of links>,
               <owner name>, <group name>, <size>, <date and time>,

       If the -l option is specified, the following information shall be
       written for character special and block special files:

           "%s %u %s %s %s %s %s\n", <file mode>, <number of links>,
               <owner name>, <group name>, <device info>, <date and time>,

       In both cases if the file is a symbolic link and the -L option is
       also specified, this information shall be for the file resolved
       from the symbolic link, except that the <pathname> field shall
       contain the pathname of the symbolic link itself. If the file is
       a symbolic link and the -L option is not specified, this
       information shall be about the link itself and the <pathname>
       field shall be of the form:

           "%s -> %s", <pathname of link>, <contents of link>

       The -n, -g, and -o options use the same format as -l, but with
       omitted items and their associated <blank> characters. See the
       OPTIONS section.

       In both the preceding -l forms, if <owner name> or <group name>
       cannot be determined, or if -n is given, they shall be replaced
       with their associated numeric values using the format %u.

       The <size> field shall contain the value that would be returned
       for the file in the st_size field of struct stat (see the Base
       Definitions volume of POSIX.1‐2017, sys_stat.h(0p)).  Note that
       for some file types this value is unspecified.

       The <device info> field shall contain implementation-defined
       information associated with the device in question.

       The <date and time> field shall contain the appropriate date and
       timestamp of when the file was last modified. In the POSIX
       locale, the field shall be the equivalent of the output of the
       following date command:

           date "+%b %e %H:%M"

       if the file has been modified in the last six months, or:

           date "+%b %e %Y"

       (where two <space> characters are used between %e and %Y) if the
       file has not been modified in the last six months or if the
       modification date is in the future, except that, in both cases,
       the final <newline> produced by date shall not be included and
       the output shall be as if the date command were executed at the
       time of the last modification date of the file rather than the
       current time. When the LC_TIME locale category is not set to the
       POSIX locale, a different format and order of presentation of
       this field may be used.

       If the pathname was specified as a file operand, it shall be
       written as specified.

       The file mode written under the -l, -n, -g, and -o options shall
       consist of the following format:

           "%c%s%s%s%s", <entry type>, <owner permissions>,
               <group permissions>, <other permissions>,
               <optional alternate access method flag>

       The <optional alternate access method flag> shall be the empty
       string if there is no alternate or additional access control
       method associated with the file; otherwise, it shall be a string
       containing a single printable character that is not a <blank>.

       The <entry type> character shall describe the type of file, as

       d       Directory.

       b       Block special file.

       c       Character special file.

       l (ell) Symbolic link.

       p       FIFO.

       -       Regular file.

       Implementations may add other characters to this list to
       represent other implementation-defined file types.

       The next three fields shall be three characters each:

       <owner permissions>
             Permissions for the file owner class (see the Base
             Definitions volume of POSIX.1‐2017, Section 4.5, File
             Access Permissions).

       <group permissions>
             Permissions for the file group class.

       <other permissions>
             Permissions for the file other class.

       Each field shall have three character positions:

        1. If 'r', the file is readable; if '-', the file is not

        2. If 'w', the file is writable; if '-', the file is not

        3. The first of the following that applies:

           S     If in <owner permissions>, the file is not executable
                 and set-user-ID mode is set. If in <group permissions>,
                 the file is not executable and set-group-ID mode is

           s     If in <owner permissions>, the file is executable and
                 set-user-ID mode is set. If in <group permissions>, the
                 file is executable and set-group-ID mode is set.

           T     If in <other permissions> and the file is a directory,
                 search permission is not granted to others, and the
                 restricted deletion flag is set.

           t     If in <other permissions> and the file is a directory,
                 search permission is granted to others, and the
                 restricted deletion flag is set.

           x     The file is executable or the directory is searchable.

           -     None of the attributes of 'S', 's', 'T', 't', or 'x'

           Implementations may add other characters to this list for the
           third character position. Such additions shall, however, be
           written in lowercase if the file is executable or searchable,
           and in uppercase if it is not.

       If any of the -l, -n, -s, -g, or -o options is specified, each
       list of files within the directory shall be preceded by a status
       line indicating the number of file system blocks occupied by
       files in the directory in 512-byte units if the -k option is not
       specified, or 1024-byte units if the -k option is specified,
       rounded up to the next integral number of units, if necessary. In
       the POSIX locale, the format shall be:

           "total %u\n", <number of units in the directory>

       If more than one directory, or a combination of non-directory
       files and directories are written, either as a result of
       specifying multiple operands, or the -R option, each list of
       files within a directory shall be preceded by:

           "\n%s:\n", <directory name>

       If this string is the first thing to be written, the first
       <newline> shall not be written. This output shall precede the
       number of units in the directory.

       If the -s option is given, each file shall be written with the
       number of blocks used by the file. Along with -C, -1, -m, or -x,
       the number and a <space> shall precede the filename; with -l, -n,
       -g, or -o, they shall precede each line describing a file.


       The standard error shall be used only for diagnostic messages.






       The following exit values shall be returned:

        0    Successful completion.

       >0    An error occurred.



       The following sections are informative.


       Many implementations use the <equals-sign> ('=') to denote
       sockets bound to the file system for the -F option. Similarly,
       many historical implementations use the 's' character to denote
       sockets as the entry type characters for the -l option.

       It is difficult for an application to use every part of the file
       modes field of ls -l in a portable manner. Certain file types and
       executable bits are not guaranteed to be exactly as shown, as
       implementations may have extensions. Applications can use this
       field to pass directly to a user printout or prompt, but actions
       based on its contents should generally be deferred, instead, to
       the test utility.

       The output of ls (with the -l and related options) contains
       information that logically could be used by utilities such as
       chmod and touch to restore files to a known state. However, this
       information is presented in a format that cannot be used directly
       by those utilities or be easily translated into a format that can
       be used. A character has been added to the end of the permissions
       string so that applications at least have an indication that they
       may be working in an area they do not understand instead of
       assuming that they can translate the permissions string into
       something that can be used. Future versions or related documents
       may define one or more specific characters to be used based on
       different standard additional or alternative access control

       As with many of the utilities that deal with filenames, the
       output of ls for multiple files or in one of the long listing
       formats must be used carefully on systems where filenames can
       contain embedded white space. Systems and system administrators
       should institute policies and user training to limit the use of
       such filenames.

       The number of disk blocks occupied by the file that it reports
       varies depending on underlying file system type, block size units
       reported, and the method of calculating the number of blocks. On
       some file system types, the number is the actual number of blocks
       occupied by the file (counting indirect blocks and ignoring holes
       in the file); on others it is calculated based on the file size
       (usually making an allowance for indirect blocks, but ignoring


       An example of a small directory tree being fully listed with ls
       -laRF a in the POSIX locale:

           total 11
           drwxr-xr-x   3 fox      prog          64 Jul  4 12:07 ./
           drwxrwxrwx   4 fox      prog        3264 Jul  4 12:09 ../
           drwxr-xr-x   2 fox      prog          48 Jul  4 12:07 b/
           -rwxr--r--   1 fox      prog         572 Jul  4 12:07 foo*

           total 4
           drwxr-xr-x   2 fox      prog          48 Jul  4 12:07 ./
           drwxr-xr-x   3 fox      prog          64 Jul  4 12:07 ../
           -rw-r--r--   1 fox      prog         700 Jul  4 12:07 bar


       Some historical implementations of the ls utility show all
       entries in a directory except dot and dot-dot when a superuser
       invokes ls without specifying the -a option. When ``normal''
       users invoke ls without specifying -a, they should not see
       information about any files with names beginning with a <period>
       unless they were named as file operands.

       Implementations are expected to traverse arbitrary depths when
       processing the -R option. The only limitation on depth should be
       based on running out of physical storage for keeping track of
       untraversed directories.

       The -1 (one) option was historically found in BSD and BSD-derived
       implementations only. It is required in this volume of
       POSIX.1‐2017 so that conforming applications might ensure that
       output is one entry per line, even if the output is to a

       The -S option was added in Issue 7, but had been provided by
       several implementations for many years. The description given in
       the standard documents historic practice, but does not match much
       of the documentation that described its behavior. Historical
       documentation typically described it as something like:

       -S        Sort by size (largest size first) instead of by name.
                 Special character devices (listed last) are sorted by

       even though the file type was never considered when sorting the
       output.  Character special files do typically sort close to the
       end of the list because their file size on most implementations
       is zero. But they are sorted alphabetically with any other files
       that happen to have the same file size (zero), not sorted
       separately and added to the end.

       This volume of POSIX.1‐2017 is frequently silent about what
       happens when mutually-exclusive options are specified. Except for
       -R, -d, and -f, the ls utility is required to accept multiple
       options from each mutually-exclusive option set without treating
       them as errors and to use the behavior specified by the last
       option given in each mutually-exclusive set. Since ls is one of
       the most aliased commands, it is important that the
       implementation perform intuitively. For example, if the alias

           alias ls="ls -C"

       and the user typed ls -1 (one), single-text-column output should
       result, not an error.

       The -g, -l (ell), -n, and -o options are not mutually-exclusive
       options. They all enable long format output. They work together
       to determine whether the file's owner is written (no if -g is
       present), file's group is written (no if -o is present), and if
       the file's group or owner is written whether it is written as the
       name (default) or a string representation of the UID or GID
       number (if -n is present). The -C, -m, -x, and -1 (one) are
       mutually-exclusive options and the first three of these disable
       long format output. The -1 (one) option does not directly change
       whether or not long format output is enabled, but by overriding
       -C, -m, and -x, it can re-enable long format output that had been
       disabled by one of these options.

       Earlier versions of this standard did not describe the BSD -A
       option (like -a, but dot and dot-dot are not written out). It has
       been added due to widespread implementation.

       Implementations may make -q the default for terminals to prevent
       trojan horse attacks on terminals with special escape sequences.
       This is not required because:

        *  Some control characters may be useful on some terminals; for
           example, a system might write them as "\001" or "^A".

        *  Special behavior for terminals is not relevant to
           applications portability.

       An early proposal specified that the
       <optional alternate access method flag> had to be '+' if there
       was an alternate access method used on the file or <space> if
       there was not. This was changed to be <space> if there is not and
       a single printable character if there is. This was done for three

        1. There are historical implementations using characters other
           than '+'.

        2. There are implementations that vary this character used in
           that position to distinguish between various alternate access
           methods in use.

        3. The standard developers did not want to preclude future
           specifications that might need a way to specify more than one
           alternate access method.

       Nonetheless, implementations providing a single alternate access
       method are encouraged to use '+'.

       Earlier versions of this standard did not have the -k option,
       which meant that the -s option could not be used portably as its
       block size was implementation-defined, and the units used to
       specify the number of blocks occupied by files in a directory in
       an ls -l listing were fixed as 512-byte units. The -k option has
       been added to provide a way for the -s option to be used
       portably, and for consistency it also changes the aforementioned
       units from 512-byte to 1024-byte.

       The <date and time> field in the -l format is specified only for
       the POSIX locale. As noted, the format can be different in other
       locales. No mechanism for defining this is present in this volume
       of POSIX.1‐2017, as the appropriate vehicle is a messaging
       system; that is, the format should be specified as a ``message''.


       Allowing -f to ignore the -A, -g, -l, -n, -o, and -s options may
       be removed in a future version.

       A future version of this standard may require that if the
       collating sequence for the current locale does not have a total
       ordering of all characters, any filenames or pathnames that
       collate equally are further compared byte-by-byte using the
       collating sequence for the POSIX locale.


       chmod(1p), find(1p)

       The Base Definitions volume of POSIX.1‐2017, Section 7.3.2,
       LC_COLLATE, Section 4.5, File Access Permissions, Chapter 8,
       Environment Variables, Section 12.2, Utility Syntax Guidelines,

       The System Interfaces volume of POSIX.1‐2017, fstatat(3p)


       Portions of this text are reprinted and reproduced in electronic
       form from IEEE Std 1003.1-2017, Standard for Information
       Technology -- Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX), The
       Open Group Base Specifications Issue 7, 2018 Edition, Copyright
       (C) 2018 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
       Engineers, Inc and The Open Group.  In the event of any
       discrepancy between this version and the original IEEE and The
       Open Group Standard, the original IEEE and The Open Group
       Standard is the referee document. The original Standard can be
       obtained online at .

       Any typographical or formatting errors that appear in this page
       are most likely to have been introduced during the conversion of
       the source files to man page format. To report such errors, see .

IEEE/The Open Group               2017                            LS(1P)

Pages that refer to this page: chmod(1p), du(1p), file(1p), mailx(1p), pax(1p)