Module ngx_http_js_module

The ngx_http_js_module module is used to implement location and variable handlers in njs — a subset of the JavaScript language.

Download and install instructions are available here.

Example Configuration

The example works since 0.4.0.

http {
    js_import http.js;

    js_set $foo;
    js_set $summary http.summary;
    js_set $hash    http.hash;


    server {
        listen 8000;

        location / {
            add_header X-Foo $foo;
            js_content http.baz;

        location = /summary {
            return 200 $summary;

        location = /hello {
            js_content http.hello;

        # since 0.7.0
        location = /fetch {
            js_content                   http.fetch;
            js_fetch_trusted_certificate /path/to/ISRG_Root_X1.pem;

        # since 0.7.0
        location = /crypto {
            add_header Hash $hash;
            return     200;

The http.js file:

function foo(r) {
    r.log("hello from foo() handler");
    return "foo";

function summary(r) {
    var a, s, h;

    s = "JS summary\n\n";

    s += "Method: " + r.method + "\n";
    s += "HTTP version: " + r.httpVersion + "\n";
    s += "Host: " + + "\n";
    s += "Remote Address: " + r.remoteAddress + "\n";
    s += "URI: " + r.uri + "\n";

    s += "Headers:\n";
    for (h in r.headersIn) {
        s += "  header '" + h + "' is '" + r.headersIn[h] + "'\n";

    s += "Args:\n";
    for (a in r.args) {
        s += "  arg '" + a + "' is '" + r.args[a] + "'\n";

    return s;

function baz(r) {
    r.status = 200; = 1234;
    r.headersOut['Content-Type'] = "text/plain; charset=utf-8";
    r.headersOut['Content-Length'] = 15;


function hello(r) {
    r.return(200, "Hello world!");

// since 0.7.0
async function fetch(r) {
    let results = await Promise.all([ngx.fetch(''),

    r.return(200, JSON.stringify(results, undefined, 4));

// since 0.7.0
async function hash(r) {
    let hash = await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-512',;

export default {foo, summary, baz, hello, fetch, hash};


Syntax: js_body_filter function | module.function [buffer_type=string | buffer];
Context: location, if in location, limit_except

This directive appeared in version 0.5.2.

Sets an njs function as a response body filter. The filter function is called for each data chunk of a response body with the following arguments:

the HTTP request object
the incoming data chunk, may be a string or Buffer depending on the buffer_type value, by default is a string.
an object with the following properties:
a boolean value, true if data is a last buffer.

The filter function can pass its own modified version of the input data chunk to the next body filter by calling r.sendBuffer(). For example, to transform all the lowercase letters in the response body:

function filter(r, data, flags) {
    r.sendBuffer(data.toLowerCase(), flags);

To stop filtering (following data chunks will be passed to client without calling js_body_filter), r.done() can be used.

If the filter function changes the length of the response body, then it is required to clear out the “Content-Length” response header (if any) in js_header_filter to enforce chunked transfer encoding.

As the js_body_filter handler returns its result immediately, it supports only synchronous operations. Thus, asynchronous operations such as r.subrequest() or setTimeout() are not supported.
The directive can be specified inside the if block since 0.7.7.
Syntax: js_content function | module.function;
Context: location, if in location, limit_except

Sets an njs function as a location content handler. Since 0.4.0, a module function can be referenced.

The directive can be specified inside the if block since 0.7.7.
Syntax: js_fetch_buffer_size size;
Default: js_fetch_buffer_size 16k;
Context: http, server, location

This directive appeared in version 0.7.4.

Sets the size of the buffer used for reading and writing with Fetch API.

Syntax: js_fetch_ciphers ciphers;
Default: js_fetch_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5;
Context: http, server, location

This directive appeared in version 0.7.0.

Specifies the enabled ciphers for HTTPS requests with Fetch API. The ciphers are specified in the format understood by the OpenSSL library.

The full list can be viewed using the “openssl ciphers” command.

Syntax: js_fetch_max_response_buffer_size size;
Default: js_fetch_max_response_buffer_size 1m;
Context: http, server, location

This directive appeared in version 0.7.4.

Sets the maximum size of the response received with Fetch API.

Syntax: js_fetch_protocols [TLSv1] [TLSv1.1] [TLSv1.2] [TLSv1.3];
Default: js_fetch_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
Context: http, server, location

This directive appeared in version 0.7.0.

Enables the specified protocols for HTTPS requests with Fetch API.

Syntax: js_fetch_timeout time;
Default: js_fetch_timeout 60s;
Context: http, server, location

This directive appeared in version 0.7.4.

Defines a timeout for reading and writing for Fetch API. The timeout is set only between two successive read/write operations, not for the whole response. If no data is transmitted within this time, the connection is closed.

Syntax: js_fetch_trusted_certificate file;
Context: http, server, location

This directive appeared in version 0.7.0.

Specifies a file with trusted CA certificates in the PEM format used to verify the HTTPS certificate with Fetch API.

Syntax: js_fetch_verify on | off;
Default: js_fetch_verify on;
Context: http, server, location

This directive appeared in version 0.7.4.

Enables or disables verification of the HTTPS server certificate with Fetch API.

Syntax: js_fetch_verify_depth number;
Default: js_fetch_verify_depth 100;
Context: http, server, location

This directive appeared in version 0.7.0.

Sets the verification depth in the HTTPS server certificates chain with Fetch API.

Syntax: js_header_filter function | module.function;
Context: location, if in location, limit_except

This directive appeared in version 0.5.1.

Sets an njs function as a response header filter. The directive allows changing arbitrary header fields of a response header.

As the js_header_filter handler returns its result immediately, it supports only synchronous operations. Thus, asynchronous operations such as r.subrequest() or setTimeout() are not supported.
The directive can be specified inside the if block since 0.7.7.
Syntax: js_import module.js | export_name from module.js;
Context: http, server, location

This directive appeared in version 0.4.0.

Imports a module that implements location and variable handlers in njs. The export_name is used as a namespace to access module functions. If the export_name is not specified, the module name will be used as a namespace.

js_import http.js;

Here, the module name http is used as a namespace while accessing exports. If the imported module exports foo(), is used to refer to it.

Several js_import directives can be specified.

The directive can be specified on the server and location level since 0.7.7.
Syntax: js_include file;
Context: http

Specifies a file that implements location and variable handlers in njs:

js_include http.js;
location   /version {
    js_content version;

function version(r) {
    r.return(200, njs.version);

The directive was made obsolete in version 0.4.0 and was removed in version 0.7.1. The js_import directive should be used instead.

Syntax: js_path path;
Context: http, server, location

This directive appeared in version 0.3.0.

Sets an additional path for njs modules.

The directive can be specified on the server and location level since 0.7.7.
Syntax: js_periodic function | module.function [interval=time] [jitter=number] [worker_affinity=mask];
Context: location

This directive appeared in version 0.8.1.

Specifies a content handler to run at regular interval. The handler receives a session object as its first argument, it also has access to global objects such as ngx.

The optional interval parameter sets the interval between two consecutive runs, by default, 5 seconds.

The optional jitter parameter sets the time within which the location content handler will be randomly delayed, by default, there is no delay.

By default, the js_handler is executed on worker process 0. The optional worker_affinity parameter allows specifying particular worker processes where the location content handler should be executed. Each worker process set is represented by a bitmask of allowed worker processes. The all mask allows the handler to be executed in all worker processes.



location @periodics {
    # to be run at 1 minute intervals in worker process 0
    js_periodic main.handler interval=60s;

    # to be run at 1 minute intervals in all worker processes
    js_periodic main.handler interval=60s worker_affinity=all;

    # to be run at 1 minute intervals in worker processes 1 and 3
    js_periodic main.handler interval=60s worker_affinity=0101;

    js_fetch_trusted_certificate /path/to/ISRG_Root_X1.pem;


async function handler(s) {
    let reply = await ngx.fetch('');
    let body = await reply.text();

    ngx.log(ngx.INFO, body);
Syntax: js_preload_object name.json | name from file.json;
Context: http, server, location

This directive appeared in version 0.7.8.

Preloads an immutable object at configure time. The name is used as a name of the global variable though which the object is available in njs code. If the name is not specified, the file name will be used instead.

js_preload_object map.json;

Here, the map is used as a name while accessing the preloaded object.

Several js_preload_object directives can be specified.

Syntax: js_set $variable function | module.function;
Context: http, server, location

Sets an njs function for the specified variable. Since 0.4.0, a module function can be referenced.

The function is called when the variable is referenced for the first time for a given request. The exact moment depends on a phase at which the variable is referenced. This can be used to perform some logic not related to variable evaluation. For example, if the variable is referenced only in the log_format directive, its handler will not be executed until the log phase. This handler can be used to do some cleanup right before the request is freed.

As the js_set handler returns its result immediately, it supports only synchronous operations. Thus, asynchronous operations such as r.subrequest() or setTimeout() are not supported.
The directive can be specified on the server and location level since 0.7.7.
Syntax: js_shared_dict_zone zone=name:size [timeout=time] [type=string|number] [evict];
Context: http

This directive appeared in version 0.8.0.

Sets the name and size of the shared memory zone that keeps the key-value dictionary shared between worker processes.

By default the shared dictionary uses a string as a key and a value. The optional type parameter allows redefining the value type to number.

The optional timeout parameter sets the time in milliseconds after which all shared dictionary entries are removed from the zone. If some entries require a different removal time, it can be set with the timeout argument of the add, incr, and set methods (0.8.5).

The optional evict parameter removes the oldest key-value pair when the zone storage is exhausted.


    # Creates a 1Mb dictionary with string values,
    # removes key-value pairs after 60 seconds of inactivity:
    js_shared_dict_zone zone=foo:1M timeout=60s;

    # Creates a 512Kb dictionary with string values,
    # forcibly removes oldest key-value pairs when the zone is exhausted:
    js_shared_dict_zone zone=bar:512K timeout=30s evict;

    # Creates a 32Kb permanent dictionary with number values:
    js_shared_dict_zone zone=num:32k type=number;

    function get(r) {

    function set(r) {
        r.return(200,, r.args.value));

    function del(r) {

    function increment(r) {
        r.return(200, ngx.shared.num.incr(r.args.key, 2));
Syntax: js_var $variable [value];
Context: http, server, location

This directive appeared in version 0.5.3.

Declares a writable variable. The value can contain text, variables, and their combination. The variable is not overwritten after a redirect unlike variables created with the set directive.

The directive can be specified on the server and location level since 0.7.7.

Request Argument

Each HTTP njs handler receives one argument, a request object.

© 2002-2021 Igor Sysoev
© 2011-2024 Nginx, Inc.
Licensed under the BSD License.