Functor CamlinternalMenhirLib.TableInterpreter.MakeEngineTable
module MakeEngineTable: functor (T : CamlinternalMenhirLib.TableFormat.TABLES) -> CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes.TABLE
with type state = int
and type token = T.token
and type semantic_value = Obj.t
and type production = int
and type terminal = int
and type nonterminal = int
type state
val number : state -> int
type token
type terminal
type nonterminal
type semantic_value
val token2terminal : token -> terminal
val token2value : token -> semantic_value
val error_terminal : terminal
val error_value : semantic_value
val foreach_terminal : (terminal -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
type production
val production_index : production -> int
val find_production : int -> production
val default_reduction : state -> ('env -> production -> 'answer) -> ('env -> 'answer) -> 'env -> 'answer
val action : state -> terminal -> semantic_value -> ('env -> bool -> terminal -> semantic_value -> state -> 'answer) -> ('env -> production -> 'answer) -> ('env -> 'answer) -> 'env -> 'answer
val goto_nt : state -> nonterminal -> state
val goto_prod : state -> production -> state
val maybe_goto_nt : state -> nonterminal -> state option
val is_start : production -> bool
exception Error
type semantic_action = (state, semantic_value, token) CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes.env -> (state, semantic_value) CamlinternalMenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack
val semantic_action : production -> semantic_action
val may_reduce : state -> production -> bool
val log : bool
module Log: sig .. end