
torch.argmax(input) → LongTensor

Returns the indices of the maximum value of all elements in the input tensor.

This is the second value returned by torch.max(). See its documentation for the exact semantics of this method.


If there are multiple maximal values then the indices of the first maximal value are returned.


input (Tensor) – the input tensor.


>>> a = torch.randn(4, 4)
>>> a
tensor([[ 1.3398,  0.2663, -0.2686,  0.2450],
        [-0.7401, -0.8805, -0.3402, -1.1936],
        [ 0.4907, -1.3948, -1.0691, -0.3132],
        [-1.6092,  0.5419, -0.2993,  0.3195]])
>>> torch.argmax(a)
torch.argmax(input, dim, keepdim=False) LongTensor

Returns the indices of the maximum values of a tensor across a dimension.

This is the second value returned by torch.max(). See its documentation for the exact semantics of this method.

  • input (Tensor) – the input tensor.
  • dim (int) – the dimension to reduce. If None, the argmax of the flattened input is returned.
  • keepdim (bool) – whether the output tensor has dim retained or not. Ignored if dim=None.


>>> a = torch.randn(4, 4)
>>> a
tensor([[ 1.3398,  0.2663, -0.2686,  0.2450],
        [-0.7401, -0.8805, -0.3402, -1.1936],
        [ 0.4907, -1.3948, -1.0691, -0.3132],
        [-1.6092,  0.5419, -0.2993,  0.3195]])
>>> torch.argmax(a, dim=1)
tensor([ 0,  2,  0,  1])

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