class SyntaxSuggest::ParseBlocksFromIndentLine
This class is responsible for generating initial code blocks that will then later be expanded.
The biggest concern when guessing code blocks, is accidentally grabbing one that contains only an “end”. In this example:
def dog begonn # misspelled `begin` puts "bark" end end
The following lines would be matched (from bottom to top):
1) end 2) puts "bark" end 3) begonn puts "bark" end
At this point it has no where else to expand, and it will yield this inner code as a block
Public Class Methods
# File lib/syntax_suggest/parse_blocks_from_indent_line.rb, line 32 def initialize(code_lines:) @code_lines = code_lines end
Public Instance Methods
# File lib/syntax_suggest/parse_blocks_from_indent_line.rb, line 37 def each_neighbor_block(target_line) scan = code_lines, block: target_line)) .force_add_empty .force_add_hidden .scan_while { |line| line.indent >= target_line.indent } neighbors = scan.code_block.lines block = neighbors) if neighbors.length <= 2 || block.valid? yield block else until neighbors.empty? lines = [neighbors.pop] while (block = lines)) && block.invalid? && neighbors.any? lines.prepend neighbors.pop end yield block if block end end end
Builds blocks from bottom up
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