Sometimes our Go programs need to spawn other, non-Go

package main
import (
func main() {
We’ll start with a simple command that takes no
arguments or input and just prints something to
stdout. The exec.Command helper creates an object
to represent this external process.
dateCmd := exec.Command("date")
The Output method runs the command, waits for it
to finish and collects its standard output.
If there were no errors, dateOut will hold bytes
with the date info.
dateOut, err := dateCmd.Output()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("> date")
Output and other methods of Command will return
*exec.Error if there was a problem executing the
command (e.g. wrong path), and *exec.ExitError
if the command ran but exited with a non-zero return
_, err = exec.Command("date", "-x").Output()
if err != nil {
switch e := err.(type) {
case *exec.Error:
fmt.Println("failed executing:", err)
case *exec.ExitError:
fmt.Println("command exit rc =", e.ExitCode())
Next we’ll look at a slightly more involved case
where we pipe data to the external process on its
stdin and collect the results from its stdout .
grepCmd := exec.Command("grep", "hello")
Here we explicitly grab input/output pipes, start
the process, write some input to it, read the
resulting output, and finally wait for the process
to exit.
grepIn, _ := grepCmd.StdinPipe()
grepOut, _ := grepCmd.StdoutPipe()
grepIn.Write([]byte("hello grep\ngoodbye grep"))
grepBytes, _ := io.ReadAll(grepOut)
We omitted error checks in the above example, but
you could use the usual if err != nil pattern for
all of them. We also only collect the StdoutPipe
results, but you could collect the StderrPipe in
exactly the same way.
fmt.Println("> grep hello")
Note that when spawning commands we need to
provide an explicitly delineated command and
argument array, vs. being able to just pass in one
command-line string. If you want to spawn a full
command with a string, you can use bash ’s -c
lsCmd := exec.Command("bash", "-c", "ls -a -l -h")
lsOut, err := lsCmd.Output()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("> ls -a -l -h")