This book is about the 0 A.D., a free, open-source, historical Real Time Strategy (RTS) game currently under development by Wildfire Games, a global group of volunteer game developers. The game stands out as one of the longest-running open source games, and throughout its history has received numerous awards and brought together a solid community of contributors, among designers, programmers and musicians. In this way, throughout the chapters of this book, you will be able to know not only the characteristics of the game but also a little of the history of its development, its technical challenges, and attempts on the adequacy and fidelity to the historical aspects, as the game put a strong emphasis on historical accuracy.
In order to follow the rules of the Wikibooks project, this book does not intend to be a strategy guide and/or a walk-through.
Game History
- Birth of 0 A.D. (2000-2002)
- Closed-Source Development (2003-2009)
- Open Source Release (July 2009)
- Adding factions (2009-2015)
- Changing teams (2016-2019)
Matching History
- Time range
- Factions
- Maps
- Soundtrack
Technical Challenges
- Pyrogenesis
- Pathfinder
- Petra AI
- Delenda Est
- Millennium A.D.
- Ponies Ascendant
- Terra Magna
- Wildfire Games
- Artists
- Developers
- Musicians
Future perspectives
- Educational uses