< XQuery


Adobe have introduced an XML format for image metadata called XMP. You want to display a photograph and some of the metadata.


Matt Turner has an example of using MarkLogic to extract XMP data from a JPEG image .

eXist/ XQuery implementation

Here is the code using eXist XQuery extensions. Matt's " photograph of a boat has been stored in the XML Database as a binary file.

Show the full XMP XML

The binary image is retrieved from the database as a BASE64 encoded string, converted to a UTF-8 string, the metadata text extracted and turned back to XML using util:parse()

declare function local:extract-xmp ($jpeg as xs:string)  as item() {
let $binary := util:binary-doc($jpeg)
let $text := util:binary-to-string($binary)
let $xmp := substring-after($text,"<x:xmpmeta")
let $xmp := substring-before($xmp,"</x:xmpmeta>")     
let $xmp := concat("<x:xmpmeta",$xmp,"</x:xmpmeta>")
return util:parse($xmp) 

let $photo := request:get-parameter("photo",())
let $xmp := local:extract-xmp(concat("/db/Wiki/eXist/",$photo))


Some basic Dublin Core elements

Here we extract a few of the Dublin Core elements and create an HTML fragment containing the image and the meta-data.

declare namespace dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/";

declare function local:extract-xmp ($jpeg as xs:string)  as item() {

declare option exist:serialize "method=xhtml media-type=text/html";

let $photo := request:get-parameter("photo",())
let $xmp := local:extract-xmp(concat("/db/Wiki/eXist/",$photo))
    <img src="../{$photo}"/>
         <li> Format : {string($xmp//dc:format)}</li>
         <li>Title: {string($xmp//dc:title)}</li>
         <li>Creator: {string($xmp//dc:creator)}</li>

Basic Dublin Core elements

This article is issued from Wikibooks. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.