List of Serbian manuscripts

This is a list of Serbian manuscripts (Serbian: Српски рукописи), containing important works attributed to Serbia or Serbs. The majority of works are theological, with a few biographies and constitutions. The works were written in Cyrillic, except some early works in the Glagolitic script.

The number of early Serbian manuscripts, that is, those made before the end of the 14th century, is estimated at 800–1,000. The number of Serbian manuscripts dating between the 12th and 17th centuries that are located outside Serbia is estimated at 4,000–5,000. The largest number of the manuscripts are located in Europe. The largest and most important collection is housed at the Hilandar on Mount Athos. Next, the second largest collection is most likely found in Russia, where hundreds of manuscripts are held.[1] More than a thousand of medieval manuscripts were destroyed during the German bombing of Belgrade (1941).[2] The Digital National Library of Serbia (NBS) has digitalized several manuscripts, included at their website.

Middle Ages

Work Date (original) Author or editor Description Digital copy
Codex Marianus[3] 975–1025UnknownGospel Book (In Glagolitic)
Hilandar Fragments late 10th–early 11th centuryUnknownSermon
Gršković's fragment of the Acts of the Apostles12th centuryUnknown(In Glagolitic)
Mihanović's fragment of the Acts of the Apostles12th centuryUnknown(In Glagolitic)
Miroslav's Gospel 1185–86Grigorije the Pupil for Miroslav of HumGospel Bookat NBS
Charter of Hilandar1198Stefan Nemanja and Saint SavaCharter
Karyes Typikon 1199Saint SavaTypikon
Charter of Hilandar (II) 1200–01Stefan the First-CrownedCharter (revision)
The Life of St. Symeon (Vita Simeonis)1208Saint SavaHagiography (biography)
Studenica Typikon 1208Saint SavaTypikonat NBS
Vukan's Gospel 1200–08Monk Simeon for Vukan NemanjićGospel Book
Psaltir Typikon13th centurySaint SavaTypikon
Letter to hegumen Spiridon13th centurySaint SavaPersonal letter
Belgrade Prophetologion13th centuryunknownLectionary
The Life of St. Symeon1216Stefan the First-CrownedBiography
Zakonopravilo (St. Sava's Nomocanon) 1219Saint SavaCivil law and canon law (medieval constitution).
Bratko Menaion1234Monk BratkoMenaion
Life of St. Sava1242–43DomentijanBiography
Charter of Ston1253Stefan Uroš ICharter
Dragolj Code1259Monk DragoljIlluminated manuscript
Life of St. Sava[4] 1261Teodosije the HilandarianBiography[5]
The Life of St. Simeon1264Domentijan the HilandarianBiography[5]
Belgrade Macedonian Oktoih13th century
Trebnik13th century
March menaion13th century
Hagiography13th centurySaint SavaHagiography
Charter to Hilandar1302Stefan MilutinLost
Život kralja Milutina (Life of King Milutin)1323–26Danilo IIBiography
Život Stefana Dečanskog (Life of Stefan of Dečani)1331–Danilo IIBiography
Život arhiepiskopa Danila IIafter 1337Danilo II's pupilBiography
Život kraljeva i arhiepiskopa srpskih1337–40Danilo IIBiography
Life of St. Arsenije1324–37Danilo IIBiography
Rodoslov (carostavnik)1337Archbishop NikodimBiography
Dušan's Code1349Emperor DušanConstitution
Nikola Stanjević Gospel1350Monk FeoktistGospel Book
Kalist Rasoder1354Kalist RasoderTetraevangelion, also known as "Serres Gospel" book
Dorotej of Hilandar1382charter for the monastery of Drenča
Charter of Ravanica1381Prince LazarCharter
Serbian Alexandride14th centuryLife of Alexander the Great
Gospel of St. Nicholas (Nikoljsko jevanđelje)14th centuryGospel book, located in Ireland (Dublin RU 147)
Munich Serbian Psalter1370–1395Illuminated psalter
Oxford Serbian Psalterlate 14th centuryPsalter
February Menaion
Life of St. Stefan of Dečani1402–09Grergory TsamblakBiography
Mining Code1412Stefan LazarevićCode of law
Karlovački rodoslov1418–27
Radoslav's Gospel (Radoslavljevo jevanđelje)1429scribe RadoslavGospel Book, located at the National Library of Russia in St. Petersburgat NBS
Charter to St. Paul Monastery[4]1430George BrankovicCharter
Life of Despot Stefan Lazarević1431Constantine of KostenetsBiography
Slovo o pravopisu143XConstantine of Kostenets
Služabnik1453Located in the National Library of Serbia (RS 538)
Varaždin Apostol1454three transcribersApostol (Acts of the Apostles and the New Testament epistles)
Dečani chroniclesecond half of the 15th century18th-century transcription
Cetinje Octoechos1494Hieromonk MakarijeOctoechos
Bogorodičnik15th centuryTheotokarion held in Hilandar.[6]
Goražde Psalter1521Teodor LjubavićPrinted psalter

Early modern period

  • Cetinje chronicle
  • Belgrade Armorial II
  • Tronoša chronicle
  • Vrhobreznica Chronicle, 1650

See also


  1. Зоран Радисављевић (2014-11-21). "Хиландар чува највредније српске рукописе". Култура. Politika.
  2. "Сећање на 6. април у Народној библиотеци Србије". Влада Републике Србије. 5 April 2005. Народна библиотека Србије основана је 1832. године. Располагала је фондом од приближно 300.000 књига, 1.390 рукописних књига, повеља и других списа из 12, 13. и 14. века и каснијих периода. Више од 100 рукописа било је на пергаменту. Располагала је и збиркама турских рукописа, старих штампаних књига од 15. до 17. века, старих карата, гравира, слика, новина. Ту су биле сабране и све књиге штампане у Србији од 1832. године, као и оне које су штампане у суседним земљама, комплетне библиотеке Вука Караџића, Лукијана Мушицког, Ђуре Даничића, П. М. Шафарика и других. Првог априла 1941. године целокупна библиотека била је спакована у 150 сандука, спремна за евакуацију, али је тадашњи министар просвете М. Трифуновић забранио евакуацију просветно-културних установа Београда и наредио да се драгоцености склоне у подрум, што је и учињено. Зграда је погођена запаљивим бомбама 6. априла у 16 часова, а целокупни фонд Народне библиотеке Србије, с вредним и оригиналним средњовековним рукописима, неповратно је изгубљен. Нова зграда, у којој се национална библиотека и данас налази, свечано је отворена 6. априла 1973. године.
  3. The conclusion about Serbian origin of the Codex has been disputed, because there are suggestions it was written in today northern Albania, northern Macedonia or in Mount Athos, in Bulgarian language environment.
  5. The entry of the Slavs into Christendom, p. 218
  6. Hilandar Slavic Manuscripts: A Checklist of the Slavic Manuscripts from the Hilandar Monastery. 1972. pp. 30, 31, 59.


  • Cernic, L. and Bogdanovic, D., 1981. About Attribution of Medieval Serbian Cyrillic Manuscripts. Textology of Medieval South Slavic Literature.
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