Prague/Old Town and Josefov
neighborhood of Prague, Czech Republic
The right bank section of District Prague 1, the oldest settled area, consists of the Old Town of Prague (Czech: Staré město) and the Jewish Town (Czech: Josefov).

The Jewish Quarter lends itself to exploration, contemplation and a deeper understanding of what Prague's Jews have endured throughout the centuries.
Get in
Metro station 🌍 Staromestska A or metro station 🌍 Namesti republiky B .

- 🌍 Old Town Square (Staroměstské náměstí). The center of the eventful history of Prague. The Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque buildings were preserved here. The Historical Centre, including most of the city’s major sites, became a UNESCO-listed site in 1992.
- 🌍 Jan Hus Memorial (Pomník mistra Jana Husa). That striking man standing atop a patina-green metal mountain in the center of Old Town Square is not Jesus, though he resembles him. It's Jan Hus, the great Czech religious reformer whose Hussite movement caused as much, if not more, friction within the Christian community as Martin Luther. The statue was erected on the 500th anniversary of his death (6 July 1915). Hus preached in the Bethlehem Church in Old Town and was himself not particularly radical, unlike some of the sects who followed him. He believed in Bibles written in the worshiper's language, in the importance of faith instead of a clergyman's intermediation with God - in other words, concepts which threatened the status quo. He was summoned to the Church's Council of Constance in Switzerland by representatives of the Emperor, and given a letter of safe conduct to get there and back. Like every member of the Habsburg family, before and after him, the Emperor was Catholic. After Hus refused to repent for his so-called sins and come back into the Church, he was burned at the stake, despite the promise of the Emperor.
- 🌍 Astronomical Clock (Pražský orloj). The Astronomical Clock located on a side tower of the Old Town Hall (reasonably enough, on Old Town Square) is easy to find—just wait until a few minutes before the hour and look for a large group of tourists standing around waiting for something to happen! Still, Orloj is one of the most popular gathering places in Prague. The closer you are to the astronomical clock the more astronomical prices in restaurants and stores.
Built in 1410 and thought of as an example of 15th century high-tech device, projected with the participation of maths and astronomy professors at Prague University. The mail dial is in principle a mechanical astrolabe, showing not only the current time, but also the placement of the sun and moon in the Zodiac, phases of the moon, the times of sunrise and sunset, length of astronomical night, the time in old Bohemian hours, in unequal hours and other data. From gathering crowds, hardly anybody understands all data astronomical dial displays.
Then there is a slow-moving 12-month calendar with incredibly delicate, small figure paintings by 19th century Czech painter Josef Manes. Every day on the hour, the upper, glockenspiel-style section of the clock performs the same scene: Death waves an hourglass, the 12 apostles shuffle past small windows, and a rooster crows. After the hour strikes, a Turk wags his head.
Long after the Turks had ceased to be a threat in Central Europe, their use as an allegorical figure in genre paintings and other art continued. The Czechs often sided with the Hungarians in various battles against increasing imperial power as exercised by the ruling Habsburg family over their dominions, and though the Turks never occupied Prague as they did Budapest, both countries' artists used "the Turk" (a dark-complected figure, usually wearing a turban) to represent the dangers of the world, and especially threats to Christianity. In the astronomical clock, the Turk is meant to be the stranger.
There is a legend about the clock that states the original master builder of its interior clockworks was blinded by the King who commissioned it after the work was completed so the mechanic could never build such a wonderful clock for someone else. In vengeance, the master builder committed suicide by throwing himself into the gears of the clock, which took nearly a century to be repaired. Pickpocketing is common in this location. - 🌍 Municipal House (Obecní dům), ☏ +420 222 002 101, fax: +420 222 002 100, Nám. Republiky 5. The Obecní dům was built near the Powder Tower (a storage place for gunpowder and a major trade route entry into the city) on a site called King's Court where once a royal residence stood. In 1901, the Prague Civic Society made a proposal to city authorities to build a center for official and social Czech events. As happened so many other times in recent Prague history, the Czechs were trying to balance the grand buildings erected by the German-speaking community of Prague with suitable edifices of their own. The "German House" (now co-opted and renamed Slovanský dům, or Slavic House, on Na Příkopě street) and a German casino were enough to make the Czechs want a place of their own. Adult 290 Kč. (updated Aug 2018)
- Lovers of Art Nouveau should bless the memories of the Prague Civic Society's officials, because the Obecní dům would become one of the most beautiful examples of Art Nouveau in Prague, filled with artwork by the best Czech artists of the day. Neo-Baroque, neo-Renaissance, Western and Oriental influences – all combined with traditional Czech Art Nouveau. This is what makes the Obecnàdum unique among many beautiful examples of Art Nouveau public buildings in Prague. While the exterior is impressive, the interior is both finely crafted and educational. Almost every prominent living Czech artist worked on the Obecní dům. Painters Mikoláš Aleš, Václav Jansa, Alfons Mucha, Jakub Obrovský, Jan Preisler, Josef Wenig, Karel Spillar, Max Švabinský, Josef Ullman, František Zenoek, and the sculptors Josef Maratka, Josef Václav Myslbek, Karel Novak, Ladislav Šaloun, František Uprka, Bohumil Kafka and Čeněk Vosmík carved out an astounding backdrop for the many historical events that would transpire here. Though their contributions are not conspicuously noted, in some cases (such as Alfons Mucha's Mayoral Hall) it is obvious which artist decorated what room.
- 🌍 Speculum Alchemiae, Haštalská 795/1, ☏ +420 773 645 234, 10:00-18:00. A museum dedicated to the mysteries of alchemy, housed in a
UNESCO World Heritage Site classified building dated from 980 AD in the center of the Jewish district, one of the only authentic buildings preserved after the massive redevelopment of the Old Town's Jewish Quarter during the 19th century. Only guided tours available in English or Czech. Tours include a history of alchemy, the role of the Kings in the alchemical development of Prague, the search for various elixirs and the relation with golems, and a tour through the laboratories in the underground catacombs under the city, dating from the 16th century renaissance period. Duration: 30 - 40 minutes. The catacombs are fairly cold even in summer, so warm clothing is recommended. Adults 200 Kč, students 150 Kč. (updated Aug 2018)
- 🌍 Convent of Saint Agnes, U Milosrdných 17. The Anezsky klaster is the first Early Gothic building in Prague (founded 1234) - something notable in a city filled with amazingly well-preserved examples of Gothic architecture such as St Vitus, the Charles Bridge and the Powder Tower. Over the years the complex's convent, chapels and several churches deteriorated and in some cases, were completely destroyed. After Habsburg emperor Josef II's religious reforms, the convent was shut down in 1782 and converted into lodgings for the poor. St Anežka, (Sv. Anežka česká) who is pictured on the pink 50 Kč banknote, is the patron saint of Bohemia and founder of the convent complex. She was a daughter of the ruling Premyslid family, but no wallflower in terms of her activism, intelligence and energy. St Francis of Assisi, after whom one of the churches in the complex is named, founded his religious order in 1209 without the sort of financial backing earlier orders had enjoyed. As communism was crumbling, the remaining religious leadership, decimated over years by Communism's anti-religious influence, lobbied the Vatican to finally declare Anežka a saint. This happened 12 November 1989, though Anežka's niece Elizabeth had started the process in 1328! Today, the convent is used to house part of the Czech National Gallery's collection. Admission: Full: 220 Kč, Reduced: 120 Kč, Family: 150 Kč. (updated Aug 2018)
- 🌍 Museum of Czech Cubism, Ovocný trh 19, ☏ +420 224 211 746. Tu 10:00-19:00, W-Su 10:00-18:00, closed M. The Museum of Czech Cubism in the renovated House of the Black Madonna exhibits furniture suites, individual pieces, accessory furnishings and objects made of ceramic, glass and metals. It offers an overview of the foremost creative achievements of Czech Cubism’s key exponents. This unique Cubist building, designed by Josef Gočár, was built in 1911–1912. Adult 150 Kč, senior or student 80 Kč (July 2020). (updated Feb 2024)
- 🌍 Czech Museum of Fine Arts, Husova 19-21, Praha 1. 20th century Czech art and changing exhibitions.
- 🌍 Museum of Decorative Arts, 17 listopadu 2, Praha 1, ☏ +420 251 093 220. This 17th century palazzo-style building houses examples of historical and contemporary crafts, as well as applied arts and design.
- 🌍 Church of the Holy Spirit. Baroque church
- 🌍 Pariska Street (Pařížská). Tree lined street with number of historic buildings, exclusive shopping and upmarket restaurants and hotels.
- 🌍 Rudolfinum, Alšovo nábřeží 12, ☏ +420 227 059 352. Neo-Renaissance style auditorium, home of the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra.
- 🌍 Jaroslav Fragner Gallery. Contemporary architecture. You can find here profiles of influential people and groups, retrospective exhibitions, thematic exhibitions, recent movement in architecture. Gallery provides lectures, seminars and publishing, regarding central Prague. The JFG is a centre for architects, professional and general public, students of architecture and construction companies.
- 🌍 Sex Machines Museum, Melantrichova 476/18, ☏ +420 227 186 260, 10:00-23:00. Humorous presentation of historic and present day sex toys and related installations. A visit takes about 60 to 90 minutes, and offers an initiation in the world of domestic and commercial pleasure engineering. Not suitable for kids due to the nature of the exposition, or physically disabled due to the very steep stairs. 200 Kc for students, 300 for adults. (updated Mar 2018)
- 🌍 Lego Museum (Muzeum Lega), Národní 362/31, ☏ +420 777 771 070. 10:00-20:00. A small museum dedicated to Lego bricks and their creations. Don't expect a history of the bricks, the museum is entirely focused on Lego constructions applied to the Czech context, with many monuments of Prague replicated as scale models in Lego. Most of the models on display are standard sets however, so the museum will be only worth its entrance fee for die hard Lego fans. 210 Kc. (updated Mar 2018)
- 🌍 Powder Tower (Prašná brána). One of the original city gates, which separates the Old Town from the New Town. The gate was used to store gunpowder in the 17th century, hence the name Powder Tower or Powder Gate. (updated Jun 2018)
Jewish sites
The Josefov was the Jewish ghetto from medieval times, and was walled off from the rest of Prague. It declined some after about 1780 when Jews were allowed to live elsewhere, and much of it was demolished around the turn of the 20th century.
- 🌍 Jewish Museum, U Staré školy 1, ☏ +420 222 749 211. This is not a single site but consists of four synagogues, the Old Jewish Cemetery and the Memorial Hall - entrance to all being covered by a single ticket. A combined ticket that includes the Old-New Synagogue can be obtained at a considerable extra cost but the interest of the building justifies it.
- 🌍 Maisel Synagogue. One of the historical monuments of the former Prague Jewish Ghetto. Nowadays the synagogue belongs to the Jewish Community of Prague and is administered by the Jewish Museum in Prague as a part of its expositions.
- 🌍 Spanish Synagogue, Vězeňská 1. The Spanish Synagogue, so-called because Sephardic Jews expelled from Spain at the end of the 15th century built a previous synagogue on this site, is a wild combination of neo-Renaissance and Moorish-Spain style. Think the Alhambra crossed with a Victorian wallpaper store, with some Islamic geometric and floral flourishes thrown in for good measure. The predominant color is red, which lends a regal aura to the interior, but there are also multiple shades of green and blue. The background behind the altar is blue covered with gold stars, visually implying the intercession of the deity in the holy space of the building, drawing one's eyes upward to the vast ceiling.
- 🌍 Pinkas Synagogue, Siroká ulice 3, ☏ +420 222 326 660. Hours: November - March: 9 - 16:30. April - October: 9 - 18:00. Closed Saturday (Jewish Sabbath) and Jewish holidays. Inside the front door of the Pinkas Synagogue, inscribed in tiny red and black letters on almost every square inch of wallspace are the names of 77,297 Jews who were killed in the war. This visual representation humanizes such a number, attaching names to the statistics. In larger type at the front of the synagogue are the names of the concentration camps in which they perished: Dachau, Mauthausen, Oswiecim (Auschwitz) and others. The second floor houses a moving exhibit of children's art which is smaller than the original exhibit at Terezin but no less sad.
- 🌍 Old Jewish Cemetery (Starý Židovský Hřbitov), Siroká ulice. On the left wall before the entrance is a plaque detailing conservation efforts (which cost 1 million crowns per year). Over 20,000 people are buried in about twelve layers of graves, stacked to save space. Avigdor Kara is the earliest known person buried here - he was a poet who lived to tell about the 1389 pogrom. The reddish, grey and black tombstones are tilted at crazy angles, some covered with moss, some newly cleaned. Walking along the path that winds around the perimeter, Rabbi Loew's tombstone is about halfway through. It has a lion on it and a plaque on the wall across from it. Loew is known as the father of the Golem legend in Prague.
- 🌍 Klausen Synagogue. The Klausen Synagogue is nowadays the largest synagogue in the former Prague Jewish ghetto and also a single example of an early Baroque synagogue in the area.
- 🌍 Ceremonial Hall. The last service to the deceased members of the Prague Jewish Community was held here.
- 🌍 Old-New Synagogue (Staronová synagóga), Maiselova 18. The name sounds strange for a building from the 13th century but it was called 'New' to distinguish it from an even older synagogue. This was replaced by the Spanish Synagogue in the 17th century, when the Old-New Synagogue acquired its current name.
- 🌍 Jewish Town Hall (Židovská radnice), Maiselova 250/18. Renaissance style building
- 🌍 Hacker's Nest (The Chamber), Bilkova 21, ☏ +420 777 779 005, Interactive co-op puzzle game requiring players to work together to save the world from destruction. Players solve puzzles and uncover mysteries in a race against time, attempting to defeat the doomsday plan from an Anonymous hacker. Minimum 2 players. No knowledge of hacker culture required, but minimal technical skills are helpful. Play time is 60 minutes. It is a relatively difficult game, not recommended for new players. €50. (updated Mar 2017)
For preparing food by yourself, groceries can be got from minimarkets and Žabka stores around. A bigger variety has Penny, Albert and Tesco.
In the centre around the Astronomical Clock
- 🌍 Havelská Koruna, 21 a 23, Havelská 501. (updated May 2022)
In the west around the Charles Bridge
In the north-east around the smallest house in Prague
The Penny supermarket has a bakery with products such as hot dog and a baked peperoni stick for 12 Kč each (May 2022), pizza baguettes and a pain au chocolat additionally filled with pudding.
In the north-west around the Rudolfinum
- 🌍 Bistro Mezi Řádky, nám. J. Palacha 1. (updated May 2022)
In the south-west around the Legion Bridge
- 🌍 Klub FAMU, Smetanovo nábř. 2. (updated May 2022)
- 🌍 Grand Cafe Orient, Dům u Černé Matky Boží, Ovocny trh 19, ☏ +420 224 224 240, Coffee, tea, cakes and sandwiches with free wi-fi between Namesti Republiky and the Old Town Square. (updated May 2022)
- 🌍 La Casa Blu, Kozí 15, ☏ +420 224 818 270. Spanish/Mexican food at good prices, close to Dlouha Trida tram stop. Free wi-fi internet. Service can be slow. (updated May 2022)
- 🌍 Lokál, Dlouhá 731/33, Prague 1, ☏ +420 222 316 265. Every Day: approx. 12:00 - 24:00. A new member to famous Ambi restaurants group, this is the place, where traditional and modern blend together. While evoking Czech pubs from times years ago, everything is brand new. Beer (35 Kč) and food (100 - 200 Kč) is very good. Large non-smoking section in the back.
- 🌍 Restaurace Konvikt, Bartolomějská 11, ☏ +420 224 247 033. Authentic local pub and restaurant (updated May 2022)
- 🌍 Chabad's Shelanu Kosher Restaurant, 8 Břehová, ☏ +420 221 665 141. Su-Th 09:00-23:00, F 09:00-15:00 - Friday: Sabbath dinner only by reservation, Saturday: Sabbath lunch only by reservation. starting at 110 Kč per person.
- 🌍 Dinitz Kosher Restaurant, Bilkova 12 - Prague 1 (next to the Spanish Synagogue), ☏ +420 222 244 000. 11:30 - 22:00 Shabbat Meals by prepaid reservations. Middle Eastern specials, in this Israeli restaurant offering Glatt kosher meals. The highlight is the Famous Sampler Menu, which consists of many tapas-style plates & mixed grilled meat on skewers. business lunch 378 Kč.
- 🌍 V Kolkovně, V Kolkovně 8, Prague 1, ☏ +420 224 819 701, fax: +420 224 819 700, Offers a combination of the tradition and uniqueness of the Pilsner Urquell brand and traditional Czech cuisine fused with modern gastronomy (French, German and International influences). (updated May 2022)
- 🌍 Kafka snob food, Široká 12 (Just of Pařížská), ☏ +420 725 915 505. Good breakfast, nice place to sit at a street table with a coffee. Service can range from very good to poor depending who is working that day. (updated May 2022)
- 🌍 Indian Jewel, Týn 6, ☏ +420 222 310 156. Very good Indian restaurant (updated May 2022)
- 🌍 Kavárna Obecní dům, náměstí Republiky 5 (In the Municipal Hall), ☏ +420 222 002 763. Good selection of food in an interesting setting. (updated May 2022)
- 🌍 Bakeshop, Kozi 1, ☏ +420 222 316 823. A cafe with a large selection of warm drinks and cakes. Finding seating is not guaranteed during the busiest hours of the day, so check for seating before ordering unless you're planning to eat underway. (updated May 2022)
- 🌍 Five Rivers, Krizovnika 10, 110 00 Praha 1 (near Charles bridge and clock tower), ☏ +420 222 312 513. Every Day: 11:00 - 10:30. Family friendly Indian restaurant, bar, cafe. Menu includes vegetarian and non vegetarian starter, main course and dessert. Free Wi-Fi, historical exhibit, no selfie ban. 40-400Kč.
- 🌍 Maitrea, Týnská ulička 1064/6, ☏ +420 221 711 631. Every Day: 12:00 - 23:00. Vegetarian restaurant with many vegan options. Wide range of food including both local and more international dishes.
- 🌍 Allegro, Veleslavínova 2a, Prague 1, ☏ +420 221 427 000. Every Day: 07:00 - 23:00. Chef Andrea Accordi serves up modern Italian cuisine in this restaurant located inside the Four Seasons Hotel in Prague. Considered by many to be the best restaurant in Prague. Very Expensive. (updated May 2022)
- 🌍 Ambiante Pizza Nuova, Revoluční 1, ☏ +420 221 803 308. An upscale place which does a very accurate rendition of Neapolitan pizza, but whose real selling point is the amazing play area for small and smallish kids. (updated May 2022)
- 🌍 La Dégustation Bohême Bourgeoise, Haštalská 753/18, Prague 1, ☏ +420 222 311 234. M-Sa: 18:00 - 24:00. Often voted as the best Czech restaurant, with price matching the quality. But if you have the cash, it's supposed to be a culinary experience as no other. Menu from 2200 Kč to over 4000 Kč with wine included. One of two restaurants in Prague with a Michelin star.
- 🌍 Marina Ristorante, Alšovo nábřeží (Just south of the Mánesův bridge.), ☏ +420 605 454 020. Italian restaurant on a boat providing views across to lower town and the castle. (updated May 2022)
- 🌍 Cafe Restaurant Střelecky Ostrov, Střelecký ostrov 336, ☏ +420 606 750 002. (updated May 2022)
There are unusual bars:
- 🌍 Robotic Bar. Cocktails from 140 Kč (May 2022) mixed by robots
- 🌍 Ice Pub. Drinks served in an ice-cold environment. You get a winter jacket there. (updated May 2022)
Further bars and clubs are:
- 🌍 AghaRTA Jazz Centrum, Železna 16, ☏ +420 222 211 275, Daily 19:00-01:00, live music 21:00-00:00. AghaRTA is another well known jazz club, and organizer of the Prague Jazz Festival.
- 🌍 Al Capone's Cocktail Bar, Bartolomějská 3, ☏ +420 224 212 192. M-Th 17:00-02:00, F Sa 18:00-03:00, Su 18:00-00:00. Al Capone's is a small and family-like bar, located in the very centre, with acceptable prices. Beer 25 Kč-70 Kč, cocktails 45 Kč-80 Kč.
- 🌍 Chateau Rouge, Jakubská 2, ☏ +420 222 316 328. Three-floor club in the old town. Plenty of tourists, including Americans and pub crawl groups, to be found any night of the week. free entry, Staropramen 40 Kč.
- 🌍 Karlovy lázně, Smetanovo nábřeží 198, ☏ +420 222 220 502, This self-styled "biggest music club in Central Europe" is right next to Charles Bridge, with 5 floors of clubs each featuring a different style of music. It is frequented by Czech teenagers and German high school students. There are security guards at the door who search entering patrons. It is more often than not incredibly dirty and filled with very young males.
- 🌍 Music Club Zlatý Strom, Karlova 6, ☏ +420 222 220 441. Daily 20:00-06:00. Lively half dance club, half go-go club. Watch out for the bucket mojito cocktails for 599Kč! Free entry for women.
- 🌍 U Zlatého Tygra (The Golden Tiger Pub), Husova 17. Daily 15:00-23:00. If you aren't easily scared off by smoke so thick you can touch and mean-looking Czechs that look like they would rather shake you than share a table, then this place is a must-stop. It is almost always crowded to standing capacity but if you stop by just before closing during the week, you can usually grab a table next to a local or knowledgeable expat and have some great Pilsner Urquell for 34 Kč a half liter, a price that is almost charitably low for the city center. There's also a simple menu of snacks and mains for around 35 Kč-90 Kč. Check the picture on the wall- that's President Bill Clinton drinking here. Favored hangout of the late Czech author Bohumil Hrabal, whose bronze bust stands watch over the heads of patrons.
- 🌍 Restaurant Franze Kafky, náměstí Franze Kafky 24/3 (off the square next to Church of St. Nicolas). Pleasant place to sit with a drink and people watch in the evening when the establishments on the old town square insist on food only customers.
- 🌍 Residence Bene, Dlouhá 721/48. (updated May 2022)
- 🌍 Hotel U Tri Bubnu, U Radnice 8, ☏ +420 224 214 855, Small 3-star hotel with unique rooms. (updated May 2022)
- 🌍 Four Seasons Hotel Prague, Veleslavínova 2a/1098, ☏ +420 221 427 000, fax: +420 221 426 000. On the river very close to the Charles Bridge. The Four Seasons is best known for having lowered the wall in front that protected it from the flood. But when dry it's as close as you get on the right bank to everything in Prague. Bed and breakfast for 2 people is approximately €250, advance purchase packages are available for as low as €195 per night.
- 🌍 Hilton Prague Old Town, V Celnici 2079/7, ☏ +420 221 822 100, fax: +420 221 82 2200, 24-hour service. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 12:00. The hotel has 303 rooms, a restaurant on site, a wellness center with fitness equipment and a swimming pool. Room service is available. (updated Nov 2020)
- 🌍 Hotel Cerny Slon, Tynska 1, ☏ +420 222 321 521, Small, family run 4-star hotel a few meters from the Old Town Square. Rooms have private bathroom, satellite TV, IDD telephone, WiFi and safety deposit boxes.
- 🌍 Fairmont Golden Prague Hotel (formerley Intercontinental Prague), Náměstí Curieových 43 / 5, ☏ +420 296 631 111, fax: +420 224 811216. One of the older Western hotels in Prague. Closed for renovation until late 2024, when it is planned to open as a 297 room 5* hotel. (updated Feb 2023)
- 🌍 Marriott Hotel, V celnici 8, ☏ +420 222 888 888.
- 🌍 Brewery Hotel - U Medvídků (literally: at the bear cubs, 5 min walk form Old Town), ☏ +420 224 211 916, On the site of an old brewery that is now a Czech Budweiser (Budvar) restaurant, the pension building houses a brewing museum and shop. It is also connected to a smaller bar that is open until 03:00. The rooms are clean and atmospheric. Ask for a room at the very top (#43 is a good pick) to avoid street/restaurant noise. Rates are seasonal but start from around 1550 Kč/2300 Kč/3100 Kč per night for singles/doubles/triples off peak. Add an extra 10% if you want one of the beautifully restored historical rooms.
- 🌍 The U Prince, Staromestske namesti 29, ☏ +420 737 261 842. Comfortable beds and beautiful marble bathrooms. The terrace bar has a view of the city and Old Town Square.
- 🌍 Clarion Hotel Prague Old Town, Hradební 9, ☏ +420 296 398 100. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 12:00. Near Old Town Square Modern equipment and services in a historic building dating back to 1930. Renovated rooms have internet, free WiFi in common areas.
- 🌍 Buddha-Bar Hotel Prague, Jakubská 8, Prague 1, ☏ +420 221 776300. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: noon. Vibrant music and oriental aromas in the historic city centre of Prague. Rooms from €418.
- 🌍 Hotel Melantrich, Melantrichova 5, ☏ +420 224 235551, Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 11:00. Comfortably equipped fully en-suite rooms.
- 🌍 Grand Hotel Praha, Staroměstské náměstí 22 (opposite the Astronomical Clock at the Old Town Square), ☏ +420 606 600 583, Luxury hotel in a historical building. Rooms with a view of the Apostolic Clock and the Old Town Square.
- Hotel Rott, Malé náměstí 138/4 (a few steps from the Old Town Square), ☏ +420 739 539 281, Comfortable accommodation in rooms styled in the late 19th century style, with modern amenities. (updated Sep 2021)
- 🌍 Hotel Paris, U Obecního Domu 1. 86 room art nouveau hotel built in 1905. from €162. (updated Jan 2023)
Stay safe
Be aware of the tourist trap called Old Prague Ham which is an outdoor fast food restaurant located in the Old Town Square. They charge ham by weight, tourists are often given much more ham than locals to inflate the price.
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