In One Piece, is there a Devil Fruit that makes you a great swimmer? It seems impossible since eating a Devil Fruit makes you unable to swim. Does the series ever address this?
Viewed 1,115 times
If this question might be opinion based, the popular similar question definitely is: I do believe my answer removes any opinion though. – kaine Mar 22 '17 at 17:11
Do you mean a swimmer as one who exclusively swims in water? – Makoto Mar 26 '17 at 07:26
1 Answers
There is actually a canon answer to this. The Sui-Sui No Mi (official english name is Swim-Swim fruit) is a Paramecia Fruit eaten by Senior Pink.
As the ocean is inaccessible to Devil Fruit users, the Swim-Swim Fruit makes you an excellent swimmer... through anything else including solid material (except seastone).
Unless Oda decides to create one, no devil fruit will exist which is a loophole to allow the user to swim through water.

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1I think we should also mention Brooke because, thanks to his DF, he became a skeleton and is now able to RUN on water. Which is basically beating the system. :P – Gravinco Mar 27 '17 at 09:48
1@Gravinco There are several DF that allow you to cross water or fly over it but these aren't loopholes or swimmers. They are never submerged. – kaine Mar 27 '17 at 14:25