Not sure if this is allowed but I cannot think of a better place to ask. I am attempting to download all genomic sequences from refseq associated with the query Peptostreptococcaceae. I have been been using the following command (based on some reading of the manual):
esearch -db nuccore -query "Peptostreptococcaceae" | efilter -molecule genomic -source refseq | efetch -format fasta
But I keep getting the following error
Unknown option: molecule
Unknown option: source
Must supply -query or -days or -mindate and -maxdate arguments on command
line Db value not found in fetch input No do_post output returned from
'' Result of do_post http request is .............
(a lot of text which I assume is .html or .xml related)
that doesn't support these options? – terdon Dec 07 '17 at 17:19