I've got a fasta file with some RNA seq data and another csv file with the output from plast where I've aligned it to a reference using plastn. I'm struggling with figuring out a command to append my original RNA seq data fasta headers with the annotations.
I've looked at awk and sed but can't wrap my head around how to use them in this instance.
CSV output example:
Contig11 ref|XM_021487230.1|_PREDICTED:_Mizuhopecten_yessoensis_UNC93-like_protein_MFSD11_(LOC110443183),_mRNA 78.95 95 20 0 371 465 4627 4721 1e-14 82.4 75 625 1 0 15.2 0 5692 1 0 15.2 0
And example fasta contig:
How would I be able to parse through the csv to find a matching contig with the fasta file, and append the second csv column to the fasta header. Ideally to produce:
>Contig11 ref|XM_021487230.1|_PREDICTED:_Mizuhopecten_yessoensis_UNC93-like_protein_MFSD11_(LOC110443183),_mRNA
Cheers for any help!