How often does Japanese use present perfect tense? My friend has been asking to watch a Japanese anime movie called 風たちぬ, this is the first time I have ever seen this 'nu' particle usage. Before I only have encountered the 'nu' as in 待たぬ for negative sentences. It seems the meaning of the title is 'The wind has risen'. Is it normal to say that in daily life? If not, what is the normal way to say it? would it be 風をもう立った?

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1 Answers1


How often does Japanese use present perfect tense?

There isn't a present perfect tense in Japanese (persay) There is a discussion about it here

待たぬ Is it normal to say that in daily life?

Not normal, sounds like old Japanese

If not, what is the normal way to say it?



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    風が出てきた is nice poetic use of the verb 出る. [風]{かぜ}が[吹]{ふ}き[始]{はじ}めた is a daily plain expression. –  Apr 06 '14 at 08:14