One of my Japanese senseis corrected my homework, and several times she drew a triangle next to the item she was correcting. Does this have a special meaning in Japan?
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3 Answers
In Japan (or Japanese schools), it usually means "Not correct but not completely incorrect, either".
〇 = Correct
△ = In-between "I'll give you half a point!"
☓ = Incorrect
The three symbols are read, respectively, まる、さんかく and ばつ.
Is it always used for in-between correct/incorrect situations, or is it ever used for non-confrontationally saying "wrong"? – coburne Oct 10 '14 at 14:15
19Hence Japanese Playstation games using Circle for Yes and X for no, unlike US/European games. That was the original intent behind the design of those symbols. – Almo Oct 10 '14 at 14:50
3@coburne: In the role of a teacher, there is no need to avoid confronting a student with a mistake. I've usually seen △ to explain "You may see native speakers use this, but it's technically incorrect". – jkerian Feb 17 '15 at 05:25
What does it mean if the triangle is followed by a number? I have some technical documentation that is full of triangles followed by a number. Example: "When result attribute value is 98, this element is always empty. △2". Example: "Sets cash in information and cash out information after the normal finish of deposit transaction. △1". – dan-gph Sep 04 '17 at 06:24
To answer my question, the △ in the document I am looking at appears to refer to a document revision number, so it must be the Greek letter Delta, standing for "difference", and it has nothing to do with Japanese at all. – dan-gph Oct 16 '17 at 05:29
Please note that △ is used in accountability to denote negative money, or discount for clients. It is also used in trading for change of price is stock. – v.oddou Dec 22 '17 at 05:17
Δ is the greek letter for delta. The upper-case letter Δ can be used to denote a change of any changeable quantity. This means the answer is WRONG and needs to be changed.

- 1
2Δ is delta, but △ is さんかく. This is comparable to the difference between 口 and ロ. – GoBusto Jun 09 '15 at 10:44