In all the anime and j-drama I have watched all these years, as far as I can remember, the only scenario where the greeting 「ごめんください」 is used is when the characters are in front of an ajar or open door of a house calling the residents out, like 「ごめんください! だれかいませんか?」. I also remember some scenes where this greeting was used in phone calls, although I can't recall whether it was in the beginning or before the end of the conversations.
Apart from the two scenarios above, are there any other scenarios where 「ごめんください」 is used? If not, what makes this greeting so restricted in usage?
N.B. Somewhat related: Usage of すみません (sumimasen) versus ごめんなさい (gomen'nasai)
is not grammatical. – Jul 20 '11 at 16:27免ずる
, and that is the origin of this idiom. But I don't get why the sonkeego becomesご免ください
. – Jul 20 '11 at 17:44お許しください
for that purpose. Andご免ください
is not interchangeable withお許しください
. The latter will leterally mean requesting excuse, but the former does not. – Jul 20 '11 at 18:06