I have come across this sentence:


And I'm unclear as to why the の particle is required here since the noun has been established using 物; is it okay to omit the の in this case or would that grammatically invalidate the sentence?

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1 Answers1


The thing is that in this sentence, what is uninteresting is not the but the fact that you eat the same thing everyday.

Thus, you can "nominalize" the verb into 食べるの.

After that, it's simply a matter of 「は」indicating the subject. You can thus parenthesize the phrase as :


Note that this is similar, albeit with a different nuance to 食べることは where こと has the same function as .

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  • I've read another topic about when adding の after the verb it turns it into the gerund. I've understood this part however what would it mean to just have は after the verb and no の? 毎日同じ物を食べるは面白くない. What is the meaning now? I saw another answer which said you cannot put が after the verb because it must take a noun however it didn't say anything about は so I'm really curious now. – Nubcake Jul 18 '15 at 23:23