I have come across this sentence:
And I'm unclear as to why the の particle is required here since the noun has been established using 物; is it okay to omit the の in this case or would that grammatically invalidate the sentence?
I have come across this sentence:
And I'm unclear as to why the の particle is required here since the noun has been established using 物; is it okay to omit the の in this case or would that grammatically invalidate the sentence?
The thing is that in this sentence, what is uninteresting is not the 物
but the fact that you eat the same thing everyday.
Thus, you can "nominalize" the verb into 食べるの
After that, it's simply a matter of 「は」indicating the subject. You can thus parenthesize the phrase as :
Note that this is similar, albeit with a different nuance to 食べることは
where こと
has the same function as の