If possible could someone explain this to me? I have the Genki I book that explains it pretty well but I guess I'm still having difficulty grasping it. I'll leave a example sentence in case my question is unclear.
あそこ で ほん を よんでいる がくせい は みちこさん です
I get that あそこ で ほん を よんでいる is qualifying がくせい but what is that part of the sentence and when would I use it?
I think what may be confusing me is the different sentence structure then what I've been use to seeing thus far in what I've studied although I know Japanese sentence structure does tend to be a little more "loose" than English.
Apologies for the unclear question yet again. It seems I'm terrible at asking questions
The student reading the book over there is Michiko. I still don't understand exactly what you are asking... – 3x14 Apr 30 '15 at 02:10