If you have the two separate words, it's 二日{ふつか} and 三日{みっか}. But how are they read together? ふた、みっか, に、さんにち, some combination thereof or something else entirely?

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2 Answers2


It reads に、さんにち (the comma is purely orthographic, you may or may not write it out).

Similarly, we say...

一、二日 いち、ににち
三、四日 さん、よっかirregular!
四、五日 し、ごにち
五、六日 ご、ろくにち

Longer span equivalents are hardly heard, perhaps because we come to use "a week" (一週間) or other higher units then, I suppose.

ふた、みっか might actually sound surprisingly comprehensible to native speakers, but it never exists.

broccoli forest
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    For 1~2, it is also common to say "一日、二日" (colloq. "いちんちふつか") (Perhaps dialectal, I'm not sure.) – Yosh Jul 18 '15 at 13:11
  • あー、何かいろいろあるっぽいですね http://oshiete.goo.ne.jp/qa/7434195.html 個人的には上に挙げたのしか使いませんが、「1、2日」と書いて「いちにちふつか」と読む(読ませる?)パターンもあったりと、なかなか深いです。 – broccoli forest Jul 18 '15 at 13:18
  • おお,色々あるっぽい.ともかく5,6日まで挙げておられるのに +1 です. – Yosh Jul 18 '15 at 13:36

It is read 「にさんにち」.

Colloquially, people say 「にさんち」 as well.