I'm a little bit familiar with how の is to indicate possession but this just confuses me. Does it translate to "Grant my wish for a family"?
Viewed 122 times
2 Answers
It translates to
"A house that makes wishes come true."
Not sure what the context is of the sentence, with that alone it seems to be the above.

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1Yeah, but grammatically speaking, "A house that makes wishes come true" would be 「願いを叶える家」, no? (「願いの叶う家」 = 「願いが叶う家」. この「の」の説明を…) – chocolate Aug 10 '15 at 09:29
願いの叶う家 = 願いが叶う家 as @choco said. A general rule is that if the construct is X の Y Z
where X is a pronoun or noun, Y is a verb, and Z is a noun, then の is really が.
For more on why, see the link above.

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