I've tried Voicetext.jp and Google's text to voice service to read this


It reads something like

Yon-chū no

But Google suggested this romanization, which left me doubtful

Shi-chū no

So, I have been redirected to a similar question discussing why there is different pronunciations of the numbers 4, 7 and 9 (maybe there's more).

From the given answers, I can't decide how to read things like


Because none of the examples addressed there were close enough to school names, rankings and such...

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    What is the context in which you found this text? If it is an abbreviated name of a school (from 第四中学校 or something, maybe?), it's probably yon-chuu no. That said, I should note that relying on automated services to romanize Japanese is unlikely to be reliable. – senshin Oct 29 '15 at 23:02
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    I don't think this is really about rōmaji. It seems like the question would be the same if you talked about the readings よん versus し in kana. –  Oct 29 '15 at 23:07
  • I suspect even the question here might help clear up your confusion: http://japanese.stackexchange.com/questions/328 – jkerian Oct 30 '15 at 00:28

1 Answers1


In your case, it is fairly easy: do not think that 四 is an isolated entity. It comes with 第, with 第四{だいよん}, meaning The fourth.

In this case, whenever you encounter a counter, go with the 訓{くん}読{よ}み. This was highlighted in the answer you linked:

Kunyomi is typically used in cases where you point out you have X of some item.

For example, you would say 四枚{よんまい} to count flat things, 四本{よんほん} to count cylindrical things, 四番目{よんばんめ} which is another way of saying fourth, 四匹{よんひき} to count animals and so on...

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