I have a bottle of 洗顔料(facial soap), and the instructions are:

ご使用量の目安 ポンプ1~2回 (use about 1 to 2 pumps)

If I were to read 1~2 aloud, how would I do it?

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  • for 1〜2, I'd be tempted to read it like 1、2... but no idea for a bigger range. Interesting question... – Dave Aug 28 '11 at 02:58

2 Answers2


I think the most standard is 1から2. You can also read it as 1乃至2.


If the numbers are consecutive, you would just count and adjust the last number accordingly. In this case, いち、にかい. If it were, say, 5-6 times, ご、ろっかい.

If it's an actual range, I think you'd just throw から in the middle. 1-5 = いちからご.

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