I've checked this link but i'm afraid it didn't help my understanding in this example:


When she asked とし子, とし子 also said that her own affairs were ordinary (my, probably wrong, translation).

I don't understand the use of を in this sentence. There is no verb in the quoted sentence 自分のことをふつうだ which takes an object.

I came across a similar structure once AをBと思う (to regard A as B). I'm wondering if something similar is going on here? This leads me to the same understanding given in the link i.e 'call A like B'

Maybe "she spoke about here own affairs as though they were ordinary"? Am I getting closer here?

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1 Answers1


Answering my own question for the purposes of tidying up. Many thanks to l'électeur (now 職場恋愛小説執筆中) for the hints and confirmation.

The phrase 自分のことをXと言う means "To label oneself as X" or "to say of oneself that X".

In this example: "She said of herself that she is ordinary".

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