I understand this may be a silly question, but I'm currently trying to teach myself Japanese and don't have access to many resources. Am I right in thinking - 私は, 明日街に歩く - means 'I will walk to town tomorrow"? I have not learned about polite forms yet so I am assuming this is just the plain casual form. If it is wrong, would you please be able to show me what I have done wrong?
Finally, does anyone have any idea on what I should do next? I am currently using Tae Kim's Grammar guide, is it worth getting the Genki textbooks and using them as well?
Thank you all for taking the time to read this.
-> 'I will walk to town tomorrow"って言いたいみたい(←多分)なので、「町まで歩く」とか「歩いて町に/町まで行く」とかにしてみたらどうでしょう? – chocolate Aug 21 '16 at 00:50