please also give the pronunciation
Viewed 1,547 times
1Wikipedia has the answer: – Kurausukun Dec 04 '16 at 23:06
1 Answers
These are two different characters with the same pronunciation [/d͡ʑi̞/]
They differ in their origins and in contemporary language the distinction is part of the orthography (much like in any other language, consider "photo" and "foto").
I think you should have given a bit more information about their origins and where they are used. Also of note is that they are still pronounced differently in some dialects. – Kurausukun Dec 05 '16 at 02:41
Thanks for feedback. I'm not convinced listing words using one of the two distinct characters in reply to a question what's the difference between them explains anything, so I composed my answer as is. What makes you suggest I should do so? – macraf Dec 05 '16 at 02:48
As for regional differences in pronunciation, there are many almost for every single character. Also not sure, if pointing them out in response to a simple question has any benefit. I think "f" "ph" explains it better, why the two exist in contemporary Japanese. – macraf Dec 05 '16 at 02:52