部屋{へや}へ移動{いどう}します。= Move to the room.

部屋から移動します。= Move from the room.

But if I use に, does the sentence「部屋に移動します。」mean to "move to the room" or "move from the room"? Or can the meaning be either depending on context, as with a lot of other cases using に? I'm not sure whether the verb 移動する itself already implies the direction of the movement. Since it also means "removal", I thought it must always mean "move from" but I'm not sure.

If it can be either, is there any difference in meaning/nuance between using に or へ to mean "to" and に or から to mean "from", particularly in relation to the verb 移動する?

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1 Answers1


に and へ are interchangeable at least in your example. See the following questions for details.

To be clear, 部屋に移動します is the same as 部屋へ移動します (move to the room).

移動 on its own just means "move", not "remove".

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