On business, maney Japanese use katakana-English and Pure Japanese (came from Chinese), and almost of them are believed interchageable but always has slight difference each other. I can't reffer all of them here, but the policy is simple "Use Japanese version as many as possible."
You must has realized that most of all Katakana-English are nouns.
レポート = 報告、報告書
レポートする = 報告する
Each Katakana-English does not always have the same meaning of Japanese version.
事業 is used in more broad sense than プロジェクト。事業 is devided into many projects and rutine operations.
そもそもほとんどの日本人は、task と job と workの違いを知らない(気にしてない)。
Once you learn Kanji-versions, you must memorize the original English terms respectively. When Japanese use Katakana-version, you always aware of the original English term and you can understand the difference among the Katakana-version, Kanji-verson and the original English term.
Hope this helps.