I was trying to translate this song, it was all going well until I stumbled upon this line
I am having a hard time spliting the words correctly I feel like it either is lacking some particles or commas, I'm not really sure... What I could come up with so far:
二人(が)迷わぬよう - It's like both do not hesitate.
歩いていけるたった一つの道標 I can only walk one more signpost. (lol sounds weird, I might be wrong)
So maybe the whole thing should rather be structured like this?
二人(が)迷わぬよう、歩いていけるたった一つの道標。 It's like both do not hesitate, (but) I can only walk one more signpost.
Thanks in advance!
Ps: This is the last line of one paragraph of the song, so it's a ful sentence which should hold some meaning alone, also the previous line is talking about other stuff aswell.
EDIT: The whole paragraph of this song is this: