What is the difference between using が and を here?



I've never seen the structure nounをadjective before.

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  • There is a large gray area for this matter. But according to a survey younger people tend to tolerate the first sentence more. – naruto Apr 23 '17 at 00:44
  • I read both of those questions. In this case, would the first sentence, if expanded, be: "あなたは私のことを好きだと思いますか?" – Tyler H Apr 23 '17 at 06:18
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    Hmm, these are both simply "Do you like me?" and looks equally fine to me. Some may say the former is unnatural, though. I don't know why, but あなたは私のことを好きですか seems acceptable to me, while あなたは私のことを好きです seems less natural. – naruto Apr 23 '17 at 06:28
  • Oh really? That's interesting you say that. Other people told me as well を is not natural but acceptable. Interesting. Thank you – Tyler H Apr 23 '17 at 06:40

1 Answers1



In general, the sentence with 「が」 is correct. But you couldn't say the other one is incorrect.

I'll show you an example where 「あなたは私のこと好きですか?」 is more natural than 「あなたは私のこと好きですか?」.

The example is as follows:

She asked "あなたは私のことどう思うのですか? あなたは私のこと好きですか? それとも嫌いですか?"

In this sentence the phrase 「あなたは私のこと好き」 means 「あなたは私のこと好きと思う」. This comprehension is well described in the Answer by user458 at the site を vs が with use against 好き?

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