今、来たところなので、まだその話は、聞いていません。 => "Because I came around just now, I don't hear that story yet."
I'm confused because in the subclause 今、来たところなので there is past tense, and in the main clause there is present tense. I know that in japanese it's a bit difficult with tenses for us and that they don't have the same understanding about tenses like we have in english etc.. But since 聞く doesn't seem to represent the result of "hearing", e.g. "knowing" http://jisho.org/search/kiku I have trouble interpreting this construction.
まだその話は、聞いていません。 => ... I don't hear that story yet
← I haven't heard it yet じゃないんですかね・・・ – chocolate May 15 '17 at 07:42