When talking with a friend in Japanese, they said "行ってないです", they cannot explain why it's different from "行きません/でした".

As far as I'm aware, I'm not sure what the difference would be in terms of it meaning "I did not go" or "I have not been".

I understand that the 'te' form can modify a sentence to extend it or conjugate to てもいい etc, but in this context, what difference does it make between the two? There's been a couple of times like this I haven't understood the 'te' form fully. Any help would be much appreciated! :)

Thanks very much,

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    Related (行ってない/行っていません vs 行かなかった/行きませんでした): https://japanese.stackexchange.com/q/42242/9831 – chocolate Jun 20 '17 at 14:58
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    You seem to be asking about "行って(い)ない and 行きませんでした" but the title of your question says "~~ between 行きます and 行ってます", are you sure you meant to type 行ってます not 行ってます? – chocolate Jun 20 '17 at 15:06

1 Answers1


Great question!

行ってくる、or more commonly 行ってきます is actually a really common phrase. The most common usage is when individuals leave their home, but I have (on rare occasion) heard it used when people leave a gathering to go somewhere else. (i.e. party to work) If you look at the translation on jisho.org, you will find the following definition: I'm off; see you later​.

According to this answer, we find that 行ってきます has an implication of going, then coming back. This is why you see it most commonly used when an individual leaves home for school/work.

行きます by contrast is simply translated as I'm going.

I want to make a note here: 行ってきます may seem to be related to the baseーて+くる grammar structure. Since the くる in 行ってきます is actually implying motion, it is not related. Baseーて+くる means: came/got to be I personally understand it as started to (verb), but that translation has some issues. If you're interested in learning about the Baseーて+くる grammar, take a look at this question, as well as this website. I suggest that you take some time to study it when you get the chance.

Back on topic-- In short:


Literally: I go and come back.

In natural English: I'm off, see you later!



Literally: I'm going.

In natural English: I'm going.

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