Can someone clarify how 困る is used in Japanese ? The dictionary definition of 困る is given as:
to be troubled; to be worried; to be bothered; to be embarrassed; to be stumped
and I would expect that a intransitive verb, with a definition similar to it, to be used as a state ("am/are ~") in the form of ~ている. However I've seen it being used as both ている form and dictionary form with similar translations:
It's because you always come at times like these that I'm troubled
I'm troubled too
In English there is "I am worried" which I would expect to be the 困っている stative form, and there is "I worry" which seems like it would be a continuous form in Japanese, and not the dictionary form. Is there a difference in how it is naturally said in Japanese, i.e. they don't use states or continuous form for "worry"? If both work what is the difference in nuance between them, e.g. does one mean that the person turns worried and the other that they are being in a state of worry ?