=> "This apartment only has a shower but no bathtub"
This would be what I think this sentence says contentwise. I also think it could be a viable translation, but the way its expressed confuses me.
First, I'm not sure if I understood the overall syntax of the sentence correctly. It seems to me that 部屋 is the topic here, but I dont think that it's the subject of the following clause.
"Concerning the apartment, with the shower only there is no bath."
Second, I'm struggling with the connection of
Since I assume that the sentence says that there is a shower, but no bathtub, attaching both nominal phrases (shower and bathtub) to the predicative ない gives me a headache.
And here, the third unclarity comes into play.
What is this で? Is it the particle I was assuming? If so, are there any phrases omitted as well? I just can't imagine how shower and bathtub shall be connected to ない, so there must be an omitted verbal phrase expressing the existence of shower. Its either that or maybe you can explain how japanese can express the existence of something with a verb that's actually stating the non-existence of something ^^
Thanks again!
– Narktor Jul 03 '17 at 09:27この公園は綺麗で大きくないです。 "This park is beautiful and (but?) not big." Is this sentence even grammatical? Or would this require other constructions?
Is my translation of the sentence of my OP correct? Because this is kind of the reason for my follow up question now, since I don't know wether what I translated can be expressed through such constructions or not.^^
– Narktor Jul 03 '17 at 09:36