I'm a native speaker of Japanese.
I examined the function of "が" in the given sentence, and I realized Japanese is really difficult.
I looked up the meaning of "が" in jisho.org, it is defined as follows, but none of them seems to correspond to the answer to the given question.
1 indicates sentence subject (occasionally object)
"I can't think with that noise", she said as she stared at the typewriter.
2 indicates possessive (esp. in literary expressions)
The following description and examples of the possessive case are cited from other than jisho.org.
"が" is an old-fashioned usage and is equivalent to "の" today.
誰{た}がために鐘{かね}は鳴{な}る = 誰{だれ}のために鐘は鳴る。我{わ}が家{や} = 私{わたし}の家{いえ}
For whom the bell tolls. My house
Particle, Conjunction
3 but; however; still; and
It goes without saying that Rome was not built in a day.
As for the particle "が", there is an actual function other than the definitions written in jisho.org, as in an example of "(私は)リンゴが好きです I like apples".
They are explained here , here and here. The content of latter two articles is briefly described as follows:
In the case of "好き like", "嫌い dislike", "欲しい want" and "可能動詞 possible verbs", you can also use "が" such as the particle "を" to make the preceding noun an object, where "が" represents the state and "を" represents the will of action.
Even if I examine the new usage of "が", I cannot logically and/or grammatically explain "が" in the phrase given by the questioner.
So, I understand that a case particle "が" in the given phrase was incorrectly used by the writer, and I'll explain it below.
(0) 城には金銀が保管してあったはずだ。
In the given phrase (0), if you omit the redundant part for the explanation and change the tense to the present form, you will get (1)
(1) 城には金銀が保管してある。
I guess the writer wanted to say the following (2) and (3) at the same time.
(2) 城には金銀がある
(3) (彼ら/城主は)その金銀を保管している
As you know, a subject is mostly omitted, so the role of case particles is important in Japanese where a relative is not developed unlike English. The incorrect use of the case particle in the given phrase seems to be due to the neglect of grammatical consistency because of the fact that there were multiple things to tell and each of them had different wording from each other even if the writer knew that correct use of case particles are important.
However, I think that it is almost certainly possible to interpret the intention of the writer even with a phrase containing such a mistake, and expressions of this kind of mistakes are quite common every day.
In addition, there is also a research here on how the reader understands a sentence if a case particle is used incorrectly.
1 indicates sentence subject (occasionally object)
"I can't think with that noise", she said as she stared at the typewriter.
2 indicates possessive (esp. in literary expressions)
The following description and examples of the possessive case are cited from other than jisho.org.
"が" is an old-fashioned usage and is equivalent to "の" today.
誰{た}がために鐘{かね}は鳴{な}る = 誰{だれ}のために鐘は鳴る。我{わ}が家{や} = 私{わたし}の家{いえ}
For whom the bell tolls. My house
Particle, Conjunction
3 but; however; still; and
It goes without saying that Rome was not built in a day.
(0) 城には金銀が保管してあったはずだ。
(1) 城には金銀が保管してある。
(2) 城には金銀がある
(3) (彼ら/城主は)その金銀を保管している