I think the question is very good because I think even native speakers of Japanese don't exactly know the difference of subtle nuance between these two particles が and で and how to use them properly in an actural situation.
Note: If there is a difference in nuance between Japanese and English in the following sentences (1) - (4), Japanese takes precedence.
Ms. Yayoi Kusama of 88 years old is a Japanese artist whose polka dot paintings and the like are famous, and is popular not only in Japan but also all over the world.
Ms.Yayoi Kusama of 88 years old is a Japanese artist famous for polka dot paintings and the like, and is popular not only in Japan but also all over the world.
Both (1) and (2) are correct grammatically and also as Japanese.
But you should explain Ms. Kusama by the sentence with (2) instead of (1) because (1) is rude to her.
I said (1) is correct grammatically and also as Japanese, but you should write it correctly in the actual situation too, because she is a famous artist instead of unknown person.
Let me explain the reason by simpifying (1) and (2) into (3) and (4).
Ms. Yayoi Kusama is an artist whose polka dot paintings are famous.
Ms. Yayoi Kusama is an artist famous for polka dot paintings.
In Japanese there is a big difference between (3) and (4), though I don't know whether it is well described in my poor attempt of my English translations.
In (3), the famous one is "paintings of polka dots", while in (4), the famous one is "Ms. Kusama" herself.
Ms. Kusama is a famous painter and/or artist in reality.
The sentence with (4) briefly shows that she is a famous artist, while (3) doesn't describe whether she is famous or not.
As for (3), it is well written in the following explanation in the naroto's answer.
EDIT: Strictly speaking, 水玉の絵が有名な芸術家 is an artist whose art is famous; the artist himself doesn't necessarily have to be famous. For example, you can say 「彼は花の絵が有名な画家だが、彼自身の名前はあまり知られていない」.
English translation is my attempt.
He is a painter whose paintings of flowers are famous, but his own name is not well known.
How do you think Ms. Kazama feels if she is introduced by the words with the nuance like what is used for the not well-known painter?
If you don't understand the nuance of the particles of が and で in those above examples, I think that most Japanese people can be satisfied with the following explantion using examples (5) and (6).
Tiger Woods is a golfer whose record-breaking performance is famous.
Tiger Woods is a golfer famous for his record-breaking performance.
When most Japanese people read (5), they will feel somewhat strange for a moment. And they are not satisfied with it as an introduction of Tiger Woods. Tiger Woods has a lot of elements other than the "record-breaking performance" that made him famous.
However, there is no room to introduce other elements in (5), which focuses only on the theme that "his record-breaking performance is famous". Speaking of golfers with "excellent performance", you can mention players like A, B and C, but the topic will branches off from Tiger Woods himself.
On the other hand, if you read (6), everyone will be satisfied.
This sentence focuses on the theme that Tiger is famous. If you want to spice up the story, you can add various topics based on Tiger Woods.
Finally, (2) is a sentence that both "Ms. Kusama" and "her works" can be correctly introduced to be famous, while if you use (1) to introduce her, it becomes rude to her.
Ms. Yayoi Kusama of 88 years old is a Japanese artist whose polka dot paintings and the like are famous, and is popular not only in Japan but also all over the world.
Ms. Yayoi Kusama of 88 years old is a Japanese artist famous for polka dot paintings and the like, and is popular not only in Japan but also all over the world.
Ms. Yayoi Kusama of 88 years old is a Japanese artist whose polka dot paintings and the like are famous, and is popular not only in Japan but also all over the world.
Ms. Yayoi Kusama of 88 years old is a Japanese artist famous for polka dot paintings and the like, and is popular not only in Japan but also all over the world.
EDIT: Strictly speaking, 水玉の絵が有名な芸術家 is an artist whose art is famous; the artist himself doesn't necessarily have to be famous. For example, you can say 「彼は花の絵が有名な画家だが、彼自身の名前はあまり知られていない」.