The above phrase is spoken by the second of Boxer A (RIKU). A "second" is a supporter of fighting sports such as boxing, that is explained here.
Boxer B threw his left punch on boxer A just before the above phrase.
That punch hit straight on the face of Boxer A.
In fact, Boxer A turned his face to the right so as to ease the shock of the punch just before the punch reached straight on his face.
However, still the strong punch hit the face a bit and Boxer A fell on the ring.
Boxer A gave a punch against Boxer B with his left arm at the same time Boxer A makes a "首ひねり neck twist". Boxer A's punch was a punch that counterattacked when the opponent struck, so it is commonly called "counter punch", which is more powerful than an ordinary punch. As a matter of course, Boxer B also fell on the ring as he received the full force of the punch.
The following phrase was uttered by Boxer A's "second" at that time.
"ガキ" is generally used for "わんぱく坊主{ぼうず} naughty boy or mischievous boy", but Boxer A's second loved him and called him "ガキ" jokingly with affection. "You twisted your neck to the right and avoided the opponent's finishing punch as well as giving your punch to him. I could say that you performed a nice technique at once," he said with feeling admiration for Boxer A.
The explanation of "スリッピングアウェー slipping away" is here. According to it, it is a kind of boxing defense techniques: A higher skill where a boxer turns his face in the same direction as the direction in which the punch extends and relieves the impact.
In English there is no terminology of "slipping away", I think that it corresponds to "slipping" or "slip". It is explained here as "How to Slip Punches".
Perhaps, I think, both "スリッピングアウェー lit. slipping away" and the Japanese translation of "首ひねり neck twist" for "スリッピングアウェー" are not established. So I think that the author of the comic book devised by putting 首ひねり to スリッピングアウェー like ふりがな to スリッピングアウェー to make the reader understand what スリッピングアウェー means.
"とんでたか (= 飛んでたか)" means "Wow, a punch was thrown (by GAKI or by Boxer A)" or "Wow, Boxer A threw a punch on Boxer B's face unconsciously". It is an expression used with admiring Boxer A's unintended fine play. As interpreted by naruto's answer interpreting Boxer A as "fainted", you cannot explain the fact that Boxer A and Boxer B both fell down on the ring.

上記{じょうき}のフレーズは、ボクサーA(リク RIKU)の「セコンド second」からでたセリフです。
スリッピングアウェーは、ここにあります。ボクシングの防御{ぼうぎょ}の一種{いっしゅ}だと書かれています。英語ではスリッピングアウェーという用語は無く、単に、slippingあるいはslipというのだろうと思います。それについてはここに「How to Slip Punches」という題の説明があります。
「とんでたか(=飛んでたか)」とは、「パンチが飛んでいたのか」という意味{いみ}で、ボクサーAの左のパンチがボクサーBの顔面{がんめん}に向{む}かって飛んだ(=「パンチを打った」)ということを感嘆{かんたん}/ 感心{かんしん}して言った表現{ひょうげん}です。