Below is a paragraph from a Japanese light novel. (Classroom of the Elite - Volume I)


What exactly 「より」and 「かつ」do in the second sentence?

Also, what kind of meaning does 「が」 at the very end add to the sentence/pragraph?

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1 Answers1


Well, the situation has become more complicated and serious, though.

  • より right before an adjective is "more". See: Different versions of より?
  • かつ is a stiff way of saying "and". It's 且つ in kanji, although this kanji is rarely used. 複雑かつ深刻化している is "複雑化している and 深刻化している" (right-node raising).
  • Sentence-end が (or けど, けれど, けれども) is "..., though." It makes a contrast with what has already been mentioned in the previous sentence.
  • Just in case you didn't know, this もっとも is not 最も but 尤も, which is like "that being said" or "although". See: Learn JLPT N2 Grammar: もっとも
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