I found this ad/sticker in a restaurant, in a Philippine city where a large number of Japanese students study English.


I have no idea how to make of this statement.

I understand the individual phrases/words but not why the sentence is formed as such.

  1. 伝わる楽しさ: is this a common formation (ru verb+ noun)
  2. Is there another way to say this sentence? (In japanese?)
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    It's actually not a sentence. There's no predicate at the end. –  Feb 11 '18 at 02:49
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    So it isn’t, what does this mean? I want to know about the structure of the phrase. Since it is written in that way, I assume it is intelligible and has a message. – cgo Feb 11 '18 at 03:45
  • Partly related: https://japanese.stackexchange.com/a/14550/9831 – chocolate Feb 11 '18 at 03:59

1 Answers1


1.「英語が伝わる楽しさ」 is a noun phrase, where the relative clause 英語が伝わる (your English is understood) modifies 楽しさ (joy, pleasure). For "Gapless relative clauses", please refer to this post.

「英語が伝わる楽しさ」 lit. joy where/when your English is understood → joy of making yourself understood in English

「~~楽しさをより多くの方へ」 literally means "joy (of ~~) to more people". The predicate, or verb phrase (like 届けたい or 届けます perhaps?) is left out as implied. (This kind of omission is often used as a stylistic device in slogans, ads, lyrics, song/film titles etc. e.g. 『アルジャーノンに花束を』『まごころを、君に。』)

2. I would rephrase it as...

「英語が伝わる(ことの)楽しさを、もっとたくさんの人たちへ(届けたいです / お届けします)。」

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