I'm trying to say something like "I want to make friends with people who like x" but I can't figure out how to say it. I think 「xが好きな友達を作りたい」but that doesn't seem quite right. Thanks.
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https://japanese.stackexchange.com/q/30171/5010 – naruto Sep 01 '18 at 12:22
1 Answers
is a well-formed sentence with nothing incorrect or unnatural about it. You could also say:
Finally, it is also correct and common among us native speakers to say:
「[Noun] + 好{ず}きな人」 Note 「好き」 is read 「ずき」 here.
If you inserted a 「の」 or 「が」 between the noun and 「好きな」, then you pronounce the 「好き」 as 「すき」.