The construction site of a new station, that JR are progressing between the Yamanote and Tamachi stations with the aim of a 2020 completion, was opened to the press for the first time.

I'm struggling with the part in bold. If I'm parsing this correctly then the simplified relative clause will be


My problem is that 進める already has a subject (JR東日本) and an object (建設), but I thought 駅 would be the object.

My only guess is that を isn't the object marker here but means 'through' (like the use with 歩く for example). So the clause would read 'the station that JR are progressing through the construction phase.

Am I correct or have I made a serious parsing error?

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4 Answers4


駅 is connected to 建設. 「駅の建設」というふうにつながります。

The non-relative version of




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It seems you might be overthinking here.

First of all, 「進{すす}める」 is a 100% genuine transitive verb, which is why it naturally takes 「を」.

The 「を」 that you are talking about can only be used with intransitive verbs. (「町{まち}を歩{ある}く」、「公園{こうえん}を走{はし}る」, etc.) So, 「進める」 cannot be used with that particular 「を」.

「建設{けんせつ}を進める」, therefore, means "to proceed with construction". (It is frustrating having to use the English intransitive verb "to proceed" to define the Japanese transitive verb.)

My problem is that 進める already has a subject (JR東日本) and an object (建設), but I thought 駅 would be the object.

「建設」 is the object. They are not 進めている an 駅{えき}. One could, of course, say that they are 進めている the 駅の建設.


thus means:

"the construction site for the new station that (JR) has proceeded to build"

The original contains both 建設 and 工事. In my attempt not to use "construction" twice, I ended up using "proceeded to build"


My problem is that 進める already has a subject (JR東日本) and an object (建設), but I thought 駅 would be the object.

Japanese sentences can have more than one "subject". The un-relativized, base sentence is something like this.

As for this new station, JR East is proceeding with the construction.

Similar examples:

  • 彼が中国で計画を進めているプロジェクト
  • 彼女がすでに内容を確認してある書類
  • 彼が品種を改良しているバラ
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駅 is part of the object.

JR is advancing the construction of a station

The station whose construction JR is advancing

hisao m
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