I have read this sentence in my book :
Why isn't the present continuous used (起きています) since it is obviously a habit for Yamada-san to wake up at 6 every morning?
Is it because we already have 毎朝 in the sentence? But then, would it mean that the
-ます form
is prefered over the-ています form
if the meaning of a sentence is clear enough?Then, does it sound weird to use the
present continuous
in that kind of sentences?If my assumption is wrong, what is the difference between this sentence and the same one with
-ています form
To go further…
Could this sentence be translated to future as:
Mr Yamada will get up at 6 every morning.
Does it depend only on context or would we need to add some words to make sure we understand it as future tense?
Wasabi-jpn.com "Customary Actions: the Plain Form VS. the Te-form + いる"
From another book:
The -ています form can also be used to express a customary and repeated action that takes place through a certain period of time.
ぎんこうにつとめています。 I work in a bank.
<p>あねは英語{えいご}の先生{せんせい}をしています。 My sister is an English teacher.</p>