In Genki I, chapter 10 I've learned:
AのほうがBより(property)。 A is more (property) than B.
Example: 中国のほうが日本より大きいです。
Now I just came across the following example sentence:
新かん線はふつうの電車より速いです。 The Shinkansen is faster than a normal train.
Which makes it seem to me that it is also valid to say:
AはBより(property)。A is more (property) than B.
Example: 中国は日本より大きいです。
My interpretation is that のほうが just means "the way of..." and is not really needed or related to making comparisons.
Is this correct and if so, why does Genki teach comparisons with のほうが instead of the more simple way with just the は particle?
EDIT: I think it's not a duplicate as suggested because this is mainly about the role of the 「のほうが」 part.